The confession (Johnlock)

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Hi my name is Jodey. I have a Tumblr if you like SuperWhoLock and sometimes other random stuff but it is jodeyzombieiunicorn, please follow. :) This is my first fanfic so please don't be to harsh on the critisism. Please vote and comment. It would realy help. Hope you enjoy. :)


"John." Sherlock called. No answer.

"JOHN!" He shouted in repeat.

"What?!" John saw Sherlock siting on his feet in his chair with his hands placed under his chin.

"Hand me my phone." 'Why don't you get it yourself?' John mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Sherlock asked with a glance at John.

"Where is it?"

"In the dresser next to me."

"You are so lazy, you know that Sherlock?" John walked over to the dresser and grasped the phone.

"Here." He said, handing him the phone. Sherlock unlocked it with a quick swipe. Lestrade texted him details on a new case. 'Male. 36 years of age. Found dead in an alley way outside a bar. Stolen wallet. Blow to the head with blunt object.'

Sherlock sighed. "Boring." He said tok himself.

"New case?" John asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. To dull to persue."

"This is why we never have any cases. To dull. To boring." John said in a mocking voice.

"That's because they are boring."

"Then what is interesting to you?" Sherlock got out of his chair and walked over to John. Inches away from his face. John got chills from Sherlocks hot breath blowing against his neck.

In the deepest, sexiest voice possible Sherlock said. "You." He stepped closer to John who was flustered by the closeness.

"M-me?" John stuttered. "What is so interesting about me?"

Sherlock cupped Johns face. "Everything." He whispered into his ear. He leaned forward and passionatly slammed his lips on Johns. He jumped in surprise but started kissing back. After about five minutes of kissing Sherlock broke it off. Heavily panting they gazed into eachothers eyes. With the back of his hand Sherlock stroked Johns cheek. John was still in shock.

"What was that?!"

"A kiss, obviously."


"Because I love you John." Sherlock said with a smirk. John stood there in shock. 'Sherlock... LOVE!'

"I love you too." This time John pulled Sherlock in for the kiss. This was even more passionate then the last. John licked Sherlocks lower lip. Practically begging for entry. Sherlock allowed it and with that John slipped in his tongue. To his surprise Sherlock was a great kisser. While kissing they started making their way towards the couch. Sherlock lay on top of John.

"I love you John, with all my heart."

"I love you too." John was smiling like a mad man. The man he loved for the longest time just confessed his love for him. He was the happiest man alive.


Alright guys remember this is my first fanfic. I hope you enjoyed my little Johnlock fluff. I know I had fun writing it. :) Please comment and vote. Love you guys!

P.S Please tell me if you want me to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2013 ⏰

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