A Voice

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aHaAhaHa! yOU ReAlLy ThiNk tHaT yOu GoT yOuR HaPpy endInNg? YoU'rE WrONG! I'lL bE ThERE To tEaR yOuR eNdiNG AwAY! sEe yOu sOOn FrIsK! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I heard a voice in the dark.

I felt my sins crawling up my back. But i did nothing wrong! I heard a giggle from the darkness.

Heeheehee. yOu DiD nOtHiNg WrOnG? HAH! yOU ReALLy DoNT ReMemBEr dO yOu?

Huh? What do you mean "I dont remember?"

WoW yOu ReAlly ARE aN iDioTt If yoU DonT RemeMbEr!

I woke up. I bolted straight into a sitting position, panting. After realizing it was just a dream i started to slow my breathing and my heart beat. W-what was that? Ugh.

I was in my room with Sans, and Flowey. As usual Flowey was in the corner of the room sleeping, and Sans' mattress was nearby my mattress.

I saw Sans start to turn around. He turned around so he saw me. When Sans looked at me his face had a little bit of concern in it. "Hey kiddo, you okay?" He asked me. Apparently I had this shocked expression on my face and I try to make my facial expression relaxed again.

"Its nothing." I shrug it off but Sans doesn't seem to buy it.

"Your lying." He says to me.

"Hm? What do you mean?" I lie to Sans again.

Sans sighs. He stands up from his mattress, and walks over to me. He sits down beside my mattress. "Frisk it's okay, just tell me." He whispers so we don't wake up Flowey.

Alright, alright. "It's just a dream." I whisper back.

"What was in the dream?" He asked me.

I think for a few seconds. How do I say this without creeping him out? "Well.......I heard a voice."

"Go on." Sans urges. I sit up on top of my mattress besides Sans. (No this isn't a Sans X Reader :3 )

"The voice said 'I'll take your happy ending away'. They also said that I'll see them soon, and that I don't remember something." I summarize the story for Sans.

"Hm. Kiddo that kinda sounds like the story you told last time you had a nightm-" I heard a voice interrupt Sans.

"What are you two doing awake? It freaking 3:00 in the morning!" Flowey questioned. Well he's awake now. "What are you two talking about?"

"Uh-" Flowey cut me off as well.

"Wait.......actually I think I know. Never mind." Flowey looked at the floor and sighed. "Nightmares?" Flowey asked to confirm. We both nodded.

"How did you know?" Sans asked Flowey.

"Well we're all in the same room. Also I was thinking about our nightmares often......" Flowey said.

"Well we're talking about them right now so if ya want to join you can." Sans offered. Flowey nodded and Sans walked up to Flowey's flower pot to pick him up and he carried him over next to us. We were all sitting on my mattress.

"Did you have a nightmare? is that why your awake?" Flowey asked me.

"Yeah. In the dream i couldn't see anything, it was completely dark. I heard this voice. It really creeped me out." I reply to Flowey.

"What the voice sound like?" Flowey questioned.

"I don't really know. They sounded feminine or something, i couldn't tell. They always talked with a bitter tone too." I answered.

"Hey i just had a nightmare kinda like yours. Do you two think that our nightmares are related?" Sans said to us.

"Thats is pretty unlikely." I say.

"Actually i don't think its 'unlikely.'" Flowey looked at me. " I never really was sure about this but i think i know the person in our dreams."

"Huh? You do?" Sans' face lightened up a bit.

"I said I'm not sure, but i think i know. They sounded a lot like.........Chara."

"Who's that?" i ask Flowey.

Flowey sighed. "Don't tell anyone about this okay. This is personal." The both of us nodded, and Flowey continued. "So before i was......not....a flower I was walking around and saw a human. They fell on the flower beds. I helped them up and when they introduced themselves to me they said that their name's Chara."

"Okay. Why are they appearing in our dreams?" Sans asked.

"To be honest i don't really know. They were pretty sweet when i lived with them, but now they talk in this bitter voice." Flowey said to Sans. "Its almost as if they're a whole other person."

"Oh." I respond.

"Now I'm going to go to sleep! You two should shut up and sleep too!" Flowey said. Sans walked over to his mattress while i picked up Flowey and put him where he originally was. When i placed him down he already was falling asleep. I turned around and walked back to my mattress. When i reached my mattress i laid on it, covering myself with my blanket and slowly drifted back into sleep.

-(Sorry this chapter is shorter then usual! School is mean =3 )

-(And by the way, i honestly think that Chara is a girl, but i'll make her gender neutral in case you guys think differently. I don't want people getting mad at me, lol. )

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