-§-Chapter One

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''Settle down class!" Yelled our teacher as most of our class was fooling around. The bell had rang for five minutes and the teacher, Mrs. Cooper, was trying to get everyone to calm down. I, of course, was not part of the weirdos who thought they were popular. I actually was considered as popular. I didn't like showing off, though. I sighed and took out my old phone. After my headphones were in my ears, I blocked out the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the noise was still there. The volume wasn't loud enough. All of the sudden, the volume went to full blast. That was slightly creepy. I just decided ignoring the weird hallucinations I was having. It was probably because of the lack of sleep I had gotten last night. Get it together, Ashleigh! I thought. I couldn't afford to be seen acting like this.

After the bell had rang, I was rushing through the hallways I much despised. The walls were a dark grey, and when you add the lack of windows our school had, it really looked like a prison. I walked by the familiar faces I was used to seeing since elementary. Everyone here knew each other from elementary or even kinder garden. Some people gave me small head nods as they walked by. Of course, I did the same in reply. It was lunch hour break so after I dropped my books in my small locker, I was headed for the cafeteria.  

The noise hit me before I saw it. It was a faint murmur, much to low to decrypt the words. Weird, I thought. Like the first incident, though, I decided to ignore my crazy hallucinations and go to lunch. When I entered the cafeteria, the mumbling grew quiet. Or was that because the noise coming from here was much louder than any other? 

I grabbed a tray from a small dock and went in line. The little blue headboard saying today's menu was on the wall, right before the lunch lady. Today's special: roast beef & salade à la crème.  

That sounded disgusting. We had french food twice a week, and since this was a boarding school, I considered it a lot.

I then decided to skip lunch and take a small apple instead. After that, I was walking to my group of friend's table. It was the farthest in the back, barely visible. It mostly consisted of jocks ,dumb blonds who got into everyone's pants and then there was me. I didn't even know why I was 'popular' , I mean, I had average grades, I wasn't 'hot' or 'sexy' or whatever. I had average blond hair, yeah it was long, but so what?  The answer to my popularity was probably only because of the money I owned. My mom was a designer, famous world-wide, and my dad was a real estate agent, who easily made more than half of the school's parents...combined.

Like I said, on most days, our table in the back is hidden my all the walking people and table's, but today, I could easily look past those blocks and see my 'friends' talking and laughing about probably a really stupid thing. It was really weird how after that I could hear what each of them said. Nicholas, a guy who apparently liked me, was talking to Samantha, a redhead with bangs. He was telling her his stupid story about being accepted on the football team and she was all into it. Idiot.

Ok, so what if you can hear really well and see well today? There's nothing wrong with that! I thought to myself, more like a question than an answer. I finally walked to them, as I realized I was blocking the way and this kid, who looked not older than 15, threw me a glare. I smiled back, being nice, and walked away.

''Oh hey Ashleigh!'' Said my friend, Alexa. She was probably the only person in this group I did not want to murder on sight. She was actually my best friend. ''Hey. Alexa, can I talk to you?" I said. She smiled and nodded, not moving so then I added ''In private''  

''Oh of course sorry.'' She said as she got up. I mumbled and ''ok'' and we went out of the cafeteria. ''So what's up Ashleigh?"  

Oh I was stupid I didn't actually think of what exactly I was going to say to her! I decided to improvise. ''So...You see, I'm not feeling well these days...'' I carried off, and she immediately interrupted.  

''Oh my god are you hurt?! Pregnant?! Do you have cancer?! Did anyone hurt you?! Oh god, oh god! I swear if someone put a hand on you...'' She continued. I stopped her before she murdered someone. ''No no no! It's just that I'm not feeling well. And I'm not pregnant. I mean, since this morning, I've been having hallucinations...'' I said, hoping she wouldn't think I was crazy.

''Oh...don't worry it's probably with all the stress you know mid-year exams are coming in and you're always studying, it's probably  that don't worry.'' She said. And I believed her. 

But I knew that deep down, it wasn't that, I was sure of it. It was something much, much bigger.

 I looked into Alexa's blue eyes. She was a sweet girl, I'd known since elementary. We were always together. She, unlike me, had pretty brown hair that slightly curled, just enough to be admired by all the boys. "It's ok Ashleigh, stop worrying and have a little fun.'' she said as she walked back towards our table.


This morning had started rather well; we had gotten a new literature teacher, and he seemed pretty nice. He handed us back our assignments on a Robert Frost poem, ''Fire and Ice'' , personally my favourite, and I didn't really know why, it's just that I thought it was dark and mysterious, and I had gotten an A. It wasn't really a surprise, to be honest, because since I loved literature so much, I worked the hardest in this class and my results showed it. My average consisted of A's. As the teacher passed by me, introducing himself, I saw how his eyes were dark green, a little like mine, that were more of a lighter green and blue. He said his name was Frank Reid, but that we should call him Reid, not professor or mister, just Reid. I found that quiet odd, considering all our other teachers insisted in being called Professor and their last names.

Reid had dark hair that ended in loose curls and brown eyes. He looked a little young to teach, he was maybe in his early 20's. All the girls in our class were practically drooling over him. I had to admit, he didn'yt look to bad.

He looked at me and winked. Why...? I had no idea. I hoped he wasn't a raper or something. At this thought, it's like he could read my mind, he looked hurt. His mouth was in a ''o'' shape before he turned his attention to the rest of the class.

After he had introduced himself, and we had done the same, he started his lesson on Robert Frost.

''''Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire. I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great, and would suffice..'' . Now, I'd like you to tell me what do you think that means? From your opinion.'' Almost all the hands in the classroom raised...well for exception of mine. I wasn't really listening because I had already done this a million times, in my free time. I really loved poetry.

Reid was looking around at the raised hands. ''You...or maybe you?Um...I'd rather choose...'' He played around for a bit pointing fingers at people. ''You.'' He said. I hadn't looked up from my paper, but when I had, I was surprised to see his index was pointed at me. ''Well...I think that Frost was referring to the fate of the world...'' I looked around at the staring faces and continued. ''How some people think it will end in fire, some say in ice.'' That was a little obvious.

''But, Frost says that the world will end in fire after thinking about his personal experience with desire, devotion and passion, which are the emotions of fire...'' I shot another glance around me. '' But after thinking about his relations with “ice,” or hatred, he realizes that to end the world in ice would be equally destructive.'' I said. 

They probably wondered about how I knew that. ''Wow miss Carson..That's exactly what I wanted to hear.'' Reid said, turning back to the board. Great now I'd probably become the 'teacher's pet'...

A/N: Ok so this is the first chapter of a new book...It took me a lot to write, and I'm super serious about this. I really would like to hear your thoughts! Even if they're negative, I want to know what to improve to become a better writer! Please just comment a simple small thought about this first chapter. 

Also I dedicated this chapter to BRmayers (hope I spelled it right) because she helps me write better and I absolutely love Bus Girl Blues! :o

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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