One Night

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Integra woke up knowing that today was going to be a very frustrating day that lead on into the wee hours of the night. She had several meetings with the Vatican and a conference meeting with those old geezers, where she'd have to play referee because the old men acted like children. With time she gained their respect but that did not stop them from questioning her authority. Today they just so happened to bring up the fact that she needs an heir to carry-on the Hellsing name. They basically implied that she needed to get a husband, and if that happened the Hellsing title would be turned over to him. Therefore a man would be in charge of Hellsing, just what they wanted too, sexist old bastards. She did not like that idea and if they thought she would go through with that, then they were bigger fools than she could ever have imagine. She had already decided a long time ago that she would not marry any man and on the matter of an heir, she would turn it over to Sir Penwoods son. If that boy is anything like his father then she would have some serious work to do, Sir Penwood would always follow through with orders and things that he believes were right no matter what the consequence. Let's hope his son carries the same trait. She had finished both meetings a while ago and was currently doing stacks of paper that were backed up from the recent vampire attack that involved father Anderson and the iscariot organization.

She worked on the papers through the majority of the day, for she had to prepare herself for the night. It was her 23rd birthday and the queen had insisted on have a huge party in her honor. That meant she could not leave early and you have to dress the part of a prestigious heiress she was. Integra was just going to go in one of her nice suits but the queen had already been so very kind to send her a dress.

The queen even wrote in her letter, "My dearest Sir Integra, I cannot allow you to be seen in one of those suits at a party in your honor. So I sent you this lovely dress to help you look the part". Integra's eye twitched for at least a good 30 minutes. She had not been seen a dress or even a skirt for years! But it was the Queen's wishes so she does have a choice except to oblige.

"Why Master why such a disturbing look? Is it because you have to wear that pretty red dress in your closet?" Asked Alucard maliciously.

Integra made a face, "Alucard what were you doing in my closet?" She asked masking her temper, but the damned devil saw through it.

"I think your will look absolutely stunning, you might even catch a husband" he said with tauntingly.

"He was listening in on the meeting.." She mentally screeched.

"Alucard leave before I put bullet in your head" she threatened.

"I have no idea why you're so against the idea of a husband, is it because you think he will have ownership of me?" he asked mockingly.


"No worries my Integra I will always be yours and yours only..." He said as he grabbed her hand and kissed it through her glove, but she could feel the warmed mixed with coldness.

She recoiled and reached for her pistol.

" I am not in the mood for your games pet, now leave." She said aggravated.

"why so hasty... Have I

upset you." He stated his smirk growing wider with each word.

"All right master, I will stop for now but what will you do about tonight, many men will want to dance with you."

"That's where you come in vampire." Said Integra lighting her cigar.

"Oh. Are you asking me to be your escort" he mused.

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