Wednesday 6th of January (AUSTRALIAN TIME)

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Alrighty so I apologise to you all that starting Thursday 7th continuing into Saturday 9th (Australian time) I will not be roleplaying, no chance of updating and stuff like that so I am not ignoring you I'm just going camping with my family and I've been told to leave all technology behind. I might just die. But it's only a few days and I'll have the fun so it's all good. Also i apologise for the lack of updates lately I am trying I'm actually trying to work on my own personal works that I would like to get professionally published and they're taking up allot of my imagination. So yeah don't think I'm ignoring I'm simply writing books outside of wattpad and I have not abandoned the books you may be reading I will try and update them all eventually.

Thank you.

Keep it kawaii mofos

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