Chapter 1

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~Adele's POV~

It's been three months since I left home. In some ways you could say I miss it at times. As I sit on the park bench while reading Pride and Prejudice I feel the loneliness creeping inside me. I place my bookmark in and set my book on my lap. On the other side of the park I see what I suppose is a mother sitting down talking with some other lady, which I assume means gossiping, while her child is crying saying something that I can't quite understand.

I don't get how mothers can do that, push there child away so they can go and talk or things that seem important to them. Shouldn't there child be there first priority? That kinda reminds me of my mother. I love my mom with all my heart, but I feel that anger inside of me for so much neglecte.

I turn my head and focus on the children playing. They seem so carefree and young. While I'm here reading this book for like the hundredth time cause I've finished all my homework for the day. I grab my phone from my pocket to text Steph I need a ride back to the dorm.

She texted back right away saying *Okay on my way*

Steph is my roommate, I go to UCLA. I originally was from Washington but I want to move far away from my family so I can just focus on me and my worries. I've also always wanted to come to LA. I'm still exploring around here and getting used to all the new things. It's been about 3 months that I've been here. So far I've only made five friends.

Getting zoned out of my thoughts I heard a 'HONK' from the parks parking lot. I grab all my stuff while rolling my eyes. I know my face is red, so I don't look up so no one knows that honk was for me. While pushing my bag up my shoulder, I tilt my head down to let my brown hair cover my face. I keep staring at my feet while I walk until I feel something hard hit my shoulder. At first I thought it was a football and so I was just gonna let it be.

But then some rude guy said " Maybe you should pick your head up so you can see where you're going."

The first thing I noticed from him was his arms . They are full of tattoos. All sorts of different designs. Then I look up to see his face. He has a long nose and he has has curly hair that goes to the side along his forehead. Before I could notice anything else, he turn around and started jogging which I assume he was doing before we bumped into each other.

Once I finally got into the tiny gray Toyota car I see Steph with a huge smile on her face. I don't know if I should be happy or scared, but whatever I'm feeling I sure as hell don't feel comfortable about it.

"So... Who was that guy?" She says once we started pulling out of the parking lot.

"I don't know, but all I follow is that he is very rude." I push my seat all the way back so she won't have to see my embarrassed expression.

When we reach back to the dorms I head straight to the mini fridge beside my bed, and I grab my Starbucks frap. from this morning. It's like around 6:00 pm right now and I feel like dead meat. I lay on my bed while turning the TV on. I decide to watch 'Orange Is The New Black' one of my favorite shows. While I'm watching the show I can see Steph getting dressed from the corner if my eye.

"You going out again tonight," I question her. This is her third time this week night going out. I'm worried about her. She's been skipping class a lot lately and she has been acting carefree. I thought it was okay at first, just a young college girl having fun but there's a time to stop and take a break and her break is now.

"Yeah, Logan invited me out to the frat house for this big party they are having. You should come, he said its gonna be fun."

Every party is the same so I don't get how this one is going to be any different. But she is my friend and I need to see that she is okay when she goes. "Sure."

When I finish getting ready I'm wearing a crop top that has black and white stripes, shorts that reach a little above my mid thigh, and my white converse. I curled the bottom of my hair. As for Steph she is wearing a dress that is way to short for my liking, the top of the dress is all laced where you can see her bra but I guess that is the point.

"Hey Adi, maybe tonight you will finally find yourself a guy. But If you don't feel like looking I can always hook you up with one of Logan's friends. He even said that there is a new boy there." I'm not really the type to worry about boy or any of that. I'm the type that worry about school work and bills and my internship. My internship, Destination Luxury is an online magazine focused on the luxury market. Our mission is to capture the most exclusive of locales and events in alluring, poignant and inspiring images and videos. With more than 165,000 fans on Facebook, Destination Luxury is the established social media leader in promoting content the luxury sector. It's also mainly for internships.

"So is that a yes?" Steph says. I nod, might as well let her try, but I am a very picky person.


As whe reach the house there are cars park every where, but luckily there was a parking across the street. We are stepping up the stairs to reach the front yard I see red cups everywhere. And I hear girls giggling, showing that they are drunk and horny. It's disgusting really.

When we go inside I am placed with a red cup in my hand. I take a sip letting the liquor burn down my throat. I am a big fan of drinking when aloud. But I know how to control my drinking.

We walk further into the house and I see that rude guy from the park earlier. I put my drink on counter and walk towards him. Before I can reach him I am interrupted by Logan.

"Hey Adéle, do you know where Steph is?" I look behind me to see if she was still there but I guess she wandered off. "Um. No, I lost her. I'll tell you if I see her." He nods and walks away. When I look back to where that guy was he is gone. Dammit.

I go into the kitchen to make my self a cherry vodka. When I'm finish someone bumps into me and drops my drink on the floor. When I look up I'm about to yell but then he speaks "Keep your head up or I will bump into you all the time." He winks at me and walks away. I'd be lying if I didn't think the way he winked was cute but I am still mad at him for bumping into me on purpose.

Before I could walk away I see him walking back to me. I look behind me to see if he was heading towards someone else but then I feel his hands land on my cheeks and kiss me.

Adéle Lares- Selena Gomez
Steph Herra- Julianne Hough
Logan Coss- Robert Pattinson

Thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed it so for and please comment what you think and like (Only if you like it) Don't be a ghost reader.

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