My baby girl and I were driving to get lunch for our two year anniversary. "babe, I'm so happy we've made it through two years now." I rested my hand on her thigh and turned my attention to her as I waited for the light to turn green. "I'm happy too Jack." she went up to kiss my lips and I smiled into it. "this light sure is taking long I'm so hun-" she was cut off once we were hit from the back of my car into the intersection that was not busy. "what the fuck!" I turned back to look at the driver who hit me. I looked over to her and she was rubbing her neck. "are you okay?" she lifted her head slowly "Yeah I'm fine-OH MY GOD JACK!" she pointed to my left window and a car was coming I tried to drive away but it came too fast I couldn't make it. my car went tumbling, glass was shattering, after it all stopped everything went black. I don't know what happened all I know is that I possibly killed my girlfriend and I can't stress that enough..
ahhhh I thought of the story when I was sleeping it was a dream lmfao WELL I HOPE YOU ENJOY DIS ONE ❤️