Chapter 1

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Bright lights blurred my sight as my body rocketed forward at such a fast pace my eyes couldn't catch the things that we were zooming past. My hair was whipping around me making it even harder for me to try to see. As everything started slowing down I felt nausea and exhaustion taking over my body. My body was dropped and then pulled back up roughly as my head teetered back and forth and I felt my body start to slacken slowly. My head hung down and my frizzy curls were hanging in front of my face blocking my eyes from sight. A cold breeze whipped past me as I hung in the air and the grip that was held on me was gone. My body dropped to the floor with a heavy thud and I screamed in pain from landing on my shoulder full force. Looking up trying to have hope that someone was there to save me, but it was all gone when darkness was creeping in from the edges of my sight. Lifting my body off the ground to get away, but my arms wobbled underneath me until I went to move my whole body hit the ground. My head hit the cold cement underneath me and the darkness clouded more of my vision, but I refused to give up. My energy was low, but I willed myself to crawl. I was taking small slow movements towards the door and I tried my best to escape the room, but I failed. The door slammed closed on my head making me hit the ground once again. My intentions felt blurred and misplaced, my eyes felt heavy and my will to fight the darkness this time ceased. The darkness took its time as it made my vision go in and out. I was able to hear footsteps distantly outside the door, but I was so tired. Coldness enveloped my body with welcoming arms and goose bumps arose across my body. I began to let the chill take over and just as my eyes began to fully close the door had opened. Shoes made their way into my narrow line of sight before my breath was pulled out of me and was lost.

I shot myself up as my breathing was staggered and rapidly coming out. Sweat covered my body in a thin layer, but my body was cold. Thinking of the nightmare I just had was crazy. It was so vivid, like it actually happened to me, but it was impossible for that to have happened.

Pushing my bed sheets and comforter off of my body. I swung my legs over the edge of my bed and slid my feet into my into my house slippers. I shuffled my way across my bedroom towards the door that was already open. As I rubbed my eyes I grudgingly made my way through the hallway. Treading carefully, I pulled my hands away from my eyes as I took another step and my stomach pretty much dropped when my foot touched nothing. Jumping back I looked down and realized I was already at the steps. Quickly making my way down the steps ready to greet my family in the living room, but no one was there.

I strained my ears for any noise within the house when I heard a quiet sniffle and some mumbling in the kitchen. When I walked in front of the arch that led to the kitchen I could finally make out the words being said.

"Lauren it's okay. We'll find her soon." It was my dad. He was shushing and comforting my mom. Hearing her sobs made my heart feel like it was breaking and my stomach dropped to my feet.

"What if we never find her Daniel? What if she never comes home?" My mom said this as more tears streamed down her face. I was slowly walking towards them and I'm surprised they haven't noticed me standing there yet, and I couldn't help but wonder who were they talking about? Who's missing?

"Mom? Dad?" I said in a questioning tone. My mom looked up in my direction, but just started crying even harder. Her face was covered by her hands as her body racked back and forth from her sobbing. My dad held her in his arms and rocked them back and forth gently as he rubbed her back.

"She'll come back Lauren. This is her home." My dad whispered into her hair, but it didn't seem like she was listening to him. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say or what was going on. Why haven't they said something to me? Why haven't they told me what's going on. The tea pot kettle started screeching like a banshee, which made me squeak. My dad got up and went to turn off the stove, and as he poured both of them cups of tea. Taking the opportunity, I walked towards my mom.

"Mom please tell me what's wrong. Who's missing? Why is it making you cry?" The words rushed out of my mouth as I pleaded her to tell me the things I didn't know. She lifted her head and looked at me, but there was no emotions on her face.

Her grey eyes were red and her eyelashes were clumped together by the moisture of her tears. The rest of her face was blotchy and red with tears still streaming down her face. Why won't she answer me? Why is she just staring at me like nothing is going on?

"Mom just talk to me! Please!" I went to grab her shoulders and hug her, but I just fell through. I looked back and was now standing behind her. I scrunched my brows in confusion and my mom shivered from a chill and just sighed. I stood up from laying on her stool and moved around her back to see her face. She can't see me? My face scrunched up in confusion. I walked towards my dad and watched my hand as I went to put it on his shoulder, but it just went straight through. I started walking backwards expecting to bump into the counter, but the collision never came. I looked behind me and the counter was there. Circling my eyes around the area around my body I realized I was standing in the counter. What the hell? I stepped forward and my body just followed along like nothing was wrong. I turned around quickly to look back at my mom and she was reaching towards me. Can she see me now?

"Thank you sweetie." She said this as she stared me in the eyes trying to force a smile onto her face. I smiled at her and went to put my hand in her open one, but again we still couldn't touch.

"Mom why can't-" My voice was cut off by my dad's.

"No problem honey." He said this as he passed her the mug and walked around the counter to envelope her in his arms. My shoulders slumped in disappointment; she still couldn't see me standing here. I watched as she took a sip from the cup and just stared at the contents it contained inside. My dad rubbed her shoulder for comfort and sighed. "We'll find Adrianna soon. I just know it." I gasped and I started walking backwards.

"What are you talking about? I'm right here in front of you guys! I'm here! I'm not missing! How do you not see me?" I yelled at them in frustration, but it was useless. Nothing I did or said would help my situation right now. My head was spinning on why this was all happening. Why everything seemed different. I let out a scream of frustration as I stormed back upstairs to my room. I threw myself back onto my bed, but instead of landing on my comfy comforter I ended up on the floors again. I slid my way from underneath my bed and saw my house slippers still on the floor next to my bed. I thought I put those on, but before I was able to dwell on it for too long the doorbell rang and the sound echoed throughout the house. I heard my parents chairs screech as the got out there seats to walk to open the door. I stayed on the floor for a little longer when I heard them open the door.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez?" It was a man at the door. His deep voice sent chills up my spine and gave me a sense of familiarity.

"Yes that's us." My father responded for both of them.

"I'm Officer Speck with the Toledo Police Department. May I come in?" I'm guessing they let him because not much longer I heard the door close.

"Did you find her?" My mother asked with a quiet trembling voice. I could just picture the way they were sitting. The officer on one of the loveseats and my parents both holding each other on another couch. I slowly slid out from underneath my bed and walked towards the staircase.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you both about." He said this as if he didn't want to say anything. I walked halfway down the stairs before I sat down and watched the conversation from between the railing. The officers shoulders were tensed up. He let out a slow breath and they slightly relaxed, but not by much. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but we have found your daughter's body near a creek that is about 7 miles away from here. We want you to come in to ID the body before we proceed any further. I'm sorry for your loss. Here's my card if you have any questions or concerns. We won't be going further into this investigation until we get your approval." He stood up and so did I. I went up the stairs and stood next to the wall as I watched him go to the door. He looked up the stairs and we made eye contact. He jumped slightly, but looked down and shook his head. On my way to my room I heard the door shut my and parents started discussing what to do.

I stopped half to my room and was thinking. Why did he jump?

Could he see me?

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