"Want a drink?"

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****Disclaimer- If you read my stuff, I would seriously love it if you left a comment so I can better myself as a writer. Thanks!!*****

The girl behind the bar was about five foot nine. She had long frizzy hair that was almost as black as the midnight sky. She wore her hair up in a ponytail, so it was out of her face. She hid her eyes behind black nerd glasses. She wore a red plaid shirt open over a black Star Wars shirt, and dark pair of skinny jeans. She scrambles all over the room trying to take orders as quickly and accurately as she can. Finally it's time for break, she tips her hat to the girl who takes over her shift and whispers, "Good luck."

Most people around these parts would light up a cigarette on their break, but no, she's not into that life. Instead she pulls out a SciFi novel and sits on the curb. She never wanted to work at a bar. It wasn't until her parents kicked her out that she considered getting a job. She can't stop thinking about that moment, so she ends up staring at the same word, which happens to be "love", for about five minutes before someone stands in front of her and clears their throat. She looks up, and then looks down again.

Before her stands a chubby girl about five foot three with short ginger hair and piercing blue eyes. "Hey, ummm, what's your name?" the chubby girl asks shyly as her entire face turns red.

"My name is Natalia, what's yours?" Natalia replies. The chubby girl squeals a little and, if possible, turns even redder.

"Ummmm....my name is Izzy. I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?" Izzy glares firmly at the ground, bracing herself for a refusal. A refusal doesn't come. Instead, she is awarded by a deep musical laugh. She glanced up sharply at Natalia. "What?! Are you making fun of me?" Natalia keeps laughing. Eyes burning, Izzy huffs and turns to leave.

Before she can get away, Natalia reaches out and grabs hold of her arm. "No, wait," she exclaims, wiping a tear from her eye, "I would love it if you bought me a drink, but not here. I've worked here too long for me to like anything that's made here. If you give me a second to clock out, I'll take you to a better bar, or maybe coffee is more your speed?"

Izzy exhales a sigh of relief, she doesn't actually like alcohol all that much. "Coffee would be lovely." Natalia flashes a quick smile and closes her book. She stands up and tries not to laugh when Izzy gasps when she sees her at her full height.

Natalia walks back into the bar with a spring in her step that had been missing since her back in the day. The other bar girl glances at her and says, "What happened to you? I've never seen you smile before." Natalia just waves and says, I get to have coffee with a pretty girl. Bye."

Leaving the girl to gape at her back.

She walks right into the backroom. Grabs her messenger bag, and walks out the door. She is so overwhelmed about stuff she wants to talk about with Izzy, that she doesn't notice when the man gets up and follows her. All of a sudden, she sees him out of the corner of her eye, just as he pins her up against the wall. "Hey, baby, wanna let me buy you a drink?" his breath smells like he's been chugging beer the whole night. His eyes are dilated, and he sways on his feet. Yep, he's definitely drunk. Natalia thinks to herself, she had noticed this guy looking at her earlier,, she wasn't afraid though, his type were all the same.

"No, thank-you, I don't drink." She says quietly, readying herself to defend herself if need be.

He chuckles, and presses closer to her. "Aw, come on baby, really? You must think you're better than all of us. Naw, you just another nigger bitch that doesn't know her place. That's all right, one night with me and I'd have you cured of that." He leans in and pin her arms with one hand, and roughly grabs her face with the other. He pushes her head back to the wall and kisses her roughly. She thrashes, and screams, but all the guys in the bar just laugh. the other barmaid pointedly looks the other way. I'm done for, she thinks.

Just as he reaches to unbutton her pants. A voice cries out, "If you even think of putting your hand there, I will personally knock you out, and cut off your dick and cut it to pieces as you watch. I will then put it on a plate, and force feed it to you." The guy looks around, and there's Izzy, standing with her hands balled into fists. Her face is flushed and her whole body is visibly shaking with rage. The man takes one look at her and bursts out laughing.

He takes a step toward her and Natalia reaches out and throws a ridge-hand directly at his throat. He leans back with the force of the blow, she then drops the same elbow into his fat stomach. He crashes to the floor with a thud. "Nigger bitch indeed" she says, and spits on his face.

The rest of the bar gapes at her, even Izzy. The men start to get to their feet, some of them reach into their pockets to grab weapons. She looks at Izzy and asks, "Are you ready to get some coffee?"

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