The Text- Niall

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  You stared down at the random text from your boo, shaking your head still confused. All it had said was to meet him here in the studio in 20 minutes but it seemed that you had gotten there before he had.

  Yanking open the door the cool whoosh of air hit you, refreshing you from the slightly too hot air outside. Navigating the familiar area, you made your way to the back room, a gut feeling that that is where you would find your guy. Before pushing the door open you could hear a voice singing away very quietly to themselves.

  Opening the door and peeking your head in your heart pounded into your ribs, ready to just burst.

  There on a smile brown stool amidst all of the different instruments and seats and tables was the most gorgeous being you had ever seen. Niall had his guitar propped up on his leg and he was strumming cords, knowing exactly which one to make the rest of the song sound perfect. Feeling your eyes on him he looked up to see you shutting the door behind you and making your way over to him.

  "Hey there babe, you look stunning." He gently set his guitar on the ground before meeting you half way and wrapping his arms around you. You giggled a bit because it wasn't like you had dressed up or anything. You had thrown on the simplest dark wash jeans and paired it with an open back flowy shirt and then thrown on your Converse before leaving the house.

  "Hun, you are the one who looks absolutely heart stopping! You don't know the chills I get from seeing you with that guitar." You words were semi muffled from the hug, but you couldn't bring yourself to back up. He was just so…beyond perfect that there were no words to even come close to how to explain him.

  He let go but kept a hold of your hand, leading you to the couch against the far wall, and then going back to get this guitar and the stool.

  "Well I do hope that your heart is able to keep beating after I am done with this." You plopped down on the couch, gulping because you were not sure if that was possible. He sat on his perch, his lids slowly draping over his grayish eyes, and then began to hum softly. You recognized the tune instantly; I mean who doesn't know the tune of What Makes You Beautiful.

  "Oh Autumn dear, listen hear, you make me turn my head every time that you are near, I can't believe, that your mine, every day and every nighttt." You had to grip the couch in order to have not yourself fly off to heaven having just heard him change the song just for you. You felt hot and then cold and then hot and then tingly.

  He kept on going through the song, having each lyric relate to something that was kind of an inside joke between the two of you.

  By the end before he was even able to finish strumming the last cord, you were already crying. In the back of your mind you were so glad for the fact that you had worn no eye makeup, because it would have just been all over by now.

  Getting off the stool quick and sat next to you and lifted you on to his lap and he played with your hair.

  "Babe you do know that I was trying to make you happy, not cry. I am so sorry." Ugh that Irish accent did something to your insides that just increased the water works.

  Somehow you were able to find your voice though. "Niall don't be stupid! These are happy tears, actually these are I have never felt more love or felt more loved ever tears." You brushed at your eyes and then kissed him on the lips. His hand stayed behind your head bringing you closer.

  "Either way Y/N I never want to see you cry." Again he kissed you, taking the rest of your tears away.

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