What's a Soulmate?

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It was a cloudy day in Magnolia. Even more so for the emotions of the Fairy Tail guild. This happens every year, and lately, it seems to only get worse.

Mirajane smiled weakly, as the pink haired man sat at the bar, his shoulders hunched, head down like he was in pain. The guild doors opened and a tall raven haired man walked in with two small children, both hiding under his long jacket. They giggled and shrieked when he opened the front and allowed them to run wild, along with their friends who were already in the guild. The pink haired man rolled his shoulders back and turned in his seat to wave at the man walking towards him, eyes following a small girl with bright pink hair and a wide smile.

"Thanks for watching her." He said as the man sat next to him. The man grunted and ordered a beer from Mira.

"You goin today? Supposed to rain pretty bad." He asked, raising a studded brow. "Natsu, you gotta talk to her about it. She asked me why my wife was crying yesterday."

"She's only six, Gajeel. You try telling your son why he doesn't have a mommy." Natsu snapped slightly. Gajeel sighed and found his own wife, almost seven months pregnant, sitting with a small group of women from the guild. Even though he was across the room, he could see the pain in her eyes without the blonde usually sitting next to her.

"He's right though, Natsu." They both turned to Mira, who was standing behind the bar. She had a sad smile on her pale face.
"Nashi has been asking me and Levy where her mother is. We haven't the heart to tell her yet." Almost on cue, loud sobbing was heard from the group of women. Gajeel's head snapped up as he knocked his chair over, pushing people out of the way to his wife. Levy was sobbing uncontrollably in her seat.

"Hey, hey, hey! Shh, shh. Calm down, Shrimp, listen to me." He said softly, holding her close. Levy sobbed into his chest, but failing in calming down.

"Sh-she's gone....but I-I can s-still h-hear her v-voice!" She cried loudly. The children stopped playing, each of them running to their own parents. Caden and Simon running to Erza, who was cradling her youngest child, Valerie. Gale ran to his crying mother to see what was wrong. Ur and Storm ran to Gray and Juvia, who were quietly crying while holding each other. Nashi walked up to her father, who still sat at the bar.

"Daddy?" She asked quietly. Natsu forced his head up and a smile, trying to let her know he was alright.

"What's up, baby?" He asked, bending down to pick her up, setting her on his lap.

"Why is Auntie Levy crying again? Uncle Gaje said this was the third time today." She asked innocently. Natsu sighed and stood up, setting Nashi on the ground and pulling on his jacket.

"I'll explain soon, okay? Now, get your jacket on. Don't want you catching a cold." He said softly. He helped her get her tiny arms through her rain coat, a beautiful blue with stars dotting the whole thing, matching her cute little rain boots. Her little pink and white dress was slightly muddy around the trim, probably from running around with Gale earlier.

"Is Happy coming?" Nashi asked as they walked outside. Nastu has her waiting by the front door while he opened their umbrella. Once it was, Nashi skipped next to Natsu, keeping up with his larger strides.

"No, Happy is staying at the guild with Carla and Lily." Natsu said. Nashi was slightly disappointed but nodded and started humming. Natsu sighed, remembering it was the lullaby she used to sing to Nashi when she was a baby.

Nastu and Nashi arrived at Cardia Cathedral, during which it has in fact started to rain, just like Gajeel said. Natsu allowed his six year old to run around and splash in the puddles as they walked through the cemetery. After a few moments of walking, they stood at a headstone.
It was a simple gray slab of stone, gilded words shone against the darker, wet stone. A shooting star was engraved in the center, under the inscription.

What's a Soulmate? (Nalu, SAD ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now