Chapter 1 (Cause screw prologues)

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(If you guys read the Epilogue to DitD, you should know what has happened.)

Dipper stared at the young girl, who had passed out again. She had black curls and torn clothing. He was still surprised by her words before she passed out again.

"Bill, who is she?" Dipper asked, looking at the Dreamon.

"I don't know Pine Tree. It's a mystery to me." He said.

The girl shifted and sat up. Her eyes opened and Dipper backed up and gasped. She had different color eyes!

Bill seemed intrigued. "What's your name little girl?"

She stared at Bill with round eyes. "C-chi. My.. Name... I-is... Chi." She struggled to say.

"My name is Bill, and this is Dipper. Can you say Bill and Dipper??" Bill asked.

"Bi-Er, and Di-ier." Chi said, trying to speak.

"It's ok, you can call us whatever you want!" Dipper said.

Chi looked at the two men. She pointed at Bill. "Daddy!" She said.

She then looked to Dipper. "Mommy!"

Dipper's face turned red.

Bill laughed, "Well ok then, I'm daddy and Dipper is Mommy!"

"Yay!!" Chi said.


Oh my gosh I am so so so so so so so sorry omg, I really wanted to get this out yesterday!!! And I promise the next chapter will be longer!!! Again, I am super super sorry about not posing this yesterday!!! I love you guys so much!!!

When Demons And Humans Meet. (Sequel to Dancing in the Dreamscape)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora