Crazy Morning

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first ever story so please be nice!


Kaida sat up slowly, glaring at the sun shining through the blinds and cursing under her breath,

“Every damn morning” Kaida muttered whilst grabbing the corner of her bed sheet to haul herself up.

She blindly scrambled around her bedroom, trying to pick up random pieces of clothing littering her bedroom floor before thundering down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Morning momma” she chirped, “What’s for breakfast?”

Her mother smiled at her daughter endearingly and ruffled her unruly blonde hair before handing her a wooden spoon.

“Whatever you, my dear Kaida, will be making”. She shooed her over to the stove, placed a kiss on her head and waltzed out of the kitchen. Kaida scowled briefly before gathering the necessary ingredients to make a simple omelette. She heard laughter and light footsteps upstairs and smiled softly to herself,

“Little demons are awake I take it?” she asked her father who walked in with overalls slung over his shoulder and dragging a fishing net behind him

“You can’t tell by the running and screaming upstairs?” he questioned with a small chuckle

Kaida just shook her head and continued scrambling and flipping omelettes. Setting a plate of omelettes on the table she hollered,

“Breakfast is ready! If you don’t want Pops to eat all of it then hurry up.”

She grabbed a slice of toast off the table, took a big bite and leaned against the door frame to watch the chaos unfold. Her little siblings, Gideon and Chesna were twins and enjoyed causing trouble wherever they went. Gideon more than Chesna. At the minute, Gideon was demanding he get the biggest omelette and Chesna was clutching her doll tightly to her chest, refusing to put her away. Her mum told both of them off and her dad began telling his cheesy breakfast jokes that brought a smile to all their faces.

My life may not be perfect but my family is pretty damn amazing she thought affectionately.

“Kaida give your old man a kiss before he leaves for the sea” her father hollered to her.

She rolled her eyes and sauntered over to her dad, placing a kiss on his cheek. His father hugged her tightly, said his goodbyes and grabbed his net and overalls before walking out the door. The twins were set to leave for school in ten minutes so she ushered them upstairs to brush their teeth while her mother got their lunch ready. Kaida left school last year because her parents didn’t have enough money to keep sending her off to school so she dropped out.

Soon everyone was ready to leave the house, the twins off to school with their mum and Kaida off to work. Kaida mounted her bike and sped off down the familiar beaten down path outside her small home, her hair flying behind her. She soon entered the crowded market place at the centre of her small village, Oraevella. She hopped off her bike and tried to manoeuvre around the messy crowd in front of her.

She placed her bike by the side of a slightly rundown coffee shop and walked through the door, a bell jingling as she entered. Her boss, Mary-Lou Pennyworth, shuffled out from the store and smiled warmly at her. She was a portly old woman with powdery white hair and a sunny smile permanently painted on her old wrinkly face.

“Hello dear. How are the twins?” Mary-Lou inquired with a smile.

“They’re doing alright, still as loud as ever” Kaida chuckled.

Mary-Lou laughed along with her, her eyes twinkling with delight, “Wonderful. Make sure you bring home some pastry all right? You’re looking mighty thin for your age. Too thin.”

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