Dear Santa

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As usual, Amber didn't react well to her chiding alarm, but today was an important day, and for this reason, her alarm was spared its usual beating. It was her and Krystal's first Christmas together and Amber had so much planned: Turkey, gravy, crackers, cheese, chocolate, presents, plenty of liquor and a lot of love. No annoying parents and nosey friends, it was just her and Krystal, and for once she was so excited about Christmas.

Until today she'd never really been a fan of Christmas. When she was younger, her parents always argued and then when they finally split, they'd always argue about who would get to have Amber for the vacation. So all in all, not great. But today was going to be different. As her girlfriend began to stir next to her, she couldn't help but smile at how lucky she was. Waking up to her beautiful face every day was just a blessing to Amber.

"Good morning, princess," Amber murmured as Krystal's eye's fluttered open and eventually found Amber's.

"Hey you," she smiled burying her face into Amber's shoulder. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Amber whispered gently stroking Krystal's cheek. "You excited?"

"Of course! We have the day all to ourselves!" Krystal squealed as she tried to snuggle further into Amber's shoulder, but she didn't get far.

"Actually, I just gotta pop out and get something from the studio, I won't be long. Just stay in bed and wait for me," Amber said as she shimmied out of the bed and started to throw on some clothes.

"But babe, it's Christmas morning. What could possibly be that important?" Krystal pouted.

"Yeah I know, but I know you're gonna love it. I won't be long."

"You promise?" Krystal purred sweetly and did her aegyo.

"I promise," she smirked. "I love you," she said, quietly bending down and planting a tender kiss onto Krystal's forehead and swiftly creeping out of the room before Krystal had a chance to reply.

"Love you more," she whispered.


Amber wished she didn't have to leave her girlfriend on Christmas morning, but she had a very special gift to pick up that she couldn't get delivered until very early that morning by her best friend, Henry. He had offered to deliver it to their house, but Amber was a heavy sleeper and she didn't want Krystal to see it before she was supposed to. Plus, the studio was only a 5 minute walk, it'd be good exercise.

As she unlocked the door to the studio and grabbed the parceled gift from the shelf, she couldn't help but gasp at how amazing it looked. Amber has been planning Krystal's present for months.

She made Krystal a personal album with songs she had written and composed herself. It was especially dedicated to Krystal and is meant to be heard by Krystal's ears alone. It was the most personal present Amber had ever given and she wanted it to be perfect for her princess.

They'd been dating since their contracts ended 3 years ago, but it had only got really serious in the past year with them moving in together and starting to think about their future. She sent the CD off to be professionally printed, boxed and packaged ready for Krystal to keep for the rest of her life (no matter what happened between them). She was going to do it herself, but packaging and design wasn't really her forte.

On the front was a professional photo of them cuddling and giggling together from Krystal's birthday treat last year, and a cheesy, cringe-worthy title across the top: "I will always love you". She knew it would mean the world to Krystal and she just couldn't wait to see the look on her beautiful face when she gave it to her. There was no denying Amber had become a complete sap since moving in with Krystal, but then again, she was still a total badass when it came to her music.

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