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I don't know where I am. Everything around me is filled with light so blinding that all I can make out is the silhouette of someone standing just a little bit in front of me, but I can't make out who they are. My mouth opens and a single sentence passes from my lips, "The time is nigh!" It sounds like my own voice saying the line but somehow it’s as if another is speaking with me.

I'm startled and don't know what's going on but I have no time to think about it. The ground beneath me starts to shake and suddenly it's as if a mouth has opened to swallow me. And I fall. I don't know what lies beneath that mouth of earth but I will soon find out.

I look down but all I see is fire. It crackles and burns and I'm falling towards it. It grows closer and closer. With each second I'm brought closer to the blaze. When I reach it I will burn and be reduced to ashes. I begin to panic. I fear death and most of all how it will come. I never imagined that this would be my end. There's so much I want to do.

I'm nearly upon the fire now. Just a few more seconds and this will all be over. Just as I reach the fire a strange ringing fills my ears. It burns worse that the fire and shatters my train of thoughts. The fire fades away and everything around me become like glass. I begin to drift away from this strange world of light, fire and shadows and return to the waking world. Another day begins.

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