Ich habe getaggt (I got tagged)

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I got tagged by the awesome fluffyowl01. To fluffyowl01f is my first tag so feel special. Now it's tag time.


1. You have to post the rules.

2. You have to tag 13 people.

3.  Each person has to answer 13 questions about themselves.

4. You have to answer the questions addressed to you and create 13 questions for the people you tagged.

5. You can't say "I don't do tags" (Why wouldn't you?)

6. Taghacks are aloud. (Did I use the right word? What's a "Taghack"?)

7. You have to finish within a week, or you'll have to do what ever the challenger says to do. (I really don't care weather you it within a week or not, I didn't write the rules)

8. Be creative with the title. Don't just say "I got tagged".

Now for Le Q&A...

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