My friend and I were starting up a match on a video game, called League of Legends. It began like another ranked lobby. The team consisted of 5 people. From top to bottom the members were ragingstorm, XxSaltGoddessxX, FireSear, Abe's Lincoln, and amegarose. In the game, the first position ,or top person, gets to choose where they want to go. They also ban which champions they don't want to play against or with. It goes down the list until all 5 members of each team choose a character they want to play. Each person gets 30 seconds to choose a champion. Ragingstorm was banning champions. He chose to ban Azir. After that FireSear said he wanted to play the middle lane. The map is split into 4 different main areas. There 3 lanes and a jungle area. One person goes to the top lane, another goes to the middle, two people go down to the bottom lane, and one roams around the jungle to help any of the lanes. He proceeded to tell us team that he could only play in that role. I, as XxSaltGoddessxX, didn't mind the person calling middle. Not much else was said for the rest of the banning phase. The other champions that were banned were Kassadin, Master Yi, Nasus, Tryndamere, and Soraka. Ragingstorm choose to play middle and chose Swain. This made FireSear mad since he called the role. Ragingstorm told him to calm down and play something different. This made FireSear start swearing at ragingstorm. I told them both to calm down and told FireSear that he could play his middle character in the top lane. He told me that it would be stupid to do that and said he was going to go play adc, attack damage carry which plays in the duo with another person in bot. My friend and I planned on playing the duo bot lane, so I told him that. The enemy leader chose Darius, to play in the top lane, during this time. He said he didn't care, in much harsher words than those, and that he was going to play it no matter what. This is where Abe's Lincoln told him it was a game and told him to shut up. I chose Quinn, as I was to play as the adc, to play during this time. FireSear started to type furiously at all of us for throwing the game already. He was so anger that he was messing up words. It was like he was just spazzing out and hitting random letters. My friend said that he could still top, but he didn't even listen. He just went on and on about how bad we were. The enemy's second person chose Leona, a support made to help the adc survive in bot lane. He said we were stuck in this elo, a system in which a player is ranked based on their skill level, because we couldn't get even the basics of letting people get their roles, never mind the fact he was also in at this rank with us. He kept going on and on about how little we knew about the game. He typed about how bad Swain and Quinn and how stupid we were for choosing them. He said he was going to ruin the match for us when the time ran out on him. If someone doesn't choose a champion in the given time the lobby closes and the person who didn't choose get's a matchmaking ban for 1 hour and loses some points of elo. My friend and I were laughing after it since it was what he deserved for the way he was acting.