
22 4 1

The crackle of lightning echos inside of my house. Odly, I am awakened, but not by the sound of the outdoors. Someone is awake, and whatever it was that had woke me up, stopped.

I pull away my blanket and let my bare feet hit the cool wood floor with a light thud. Blindly reaching for my lamp, I turn the switch but nothing happens. I sigh, pushing my hair from my face.

  I reach my hand toward the end of my dresser where my phone should be, but to my surprise all there is is the smooth wood of my end table.

  Where is my phone?

  As if on cue, the thunder booms, and seconds later the lightning strikes giving me a brief source of light. I pick my phone up from the opposite side of my night stand and turn it on.

The bright screen flashes in my eyes making me squint, scrunching up my face.

  Then I hear it. A scream, so loud and full of pain it over powers the thunderstorm's roars. A chill rushes through my body and I drop my phone on my mattress. I reach under my bed to grab my bat for security before running out of my room.

"Please stop, don't do this to us, we have children." My mother cries.

"Look there's money in the safe under my bed the code is four-sixteen-o-seven. You can take everything if you leave." My father pleads. He sounds hurt, and scared. I'd never heard him that way, he told me he was afraid of nothing.

I walk towards the stairs as I hear the most erie and souless laughter I have ever heard.

"I don't want your money, and I don't care about your children. I just want to hear you scream."

I reach the railing of the stairs, and I see my parents in the little bit of light there is.

They are both tied up to the dinning room chairs that now sit in the middle of the living room. I can see by the expression on my mom's face that she is in tears. My father on the other hand can barely sustain himself as a dark liquid trickles down his face from a gash in his forehead.

  Though, they aren't the only ones in the room. There, standing as a tall and slim figure is a man. He is in what looks like a suit and a large top hat, but his back faces me.

"Just leave us alone, please." My mom begs hopelessly.

I have to do something about this, but something is holding me back. Pulling me down into the spot I crouch almost, and I can't fight against it. I can't blink, I can't move, I can't breath.

"Now hold still, this will only hurt a bit."

I am forced to sit there and watch as the man digs a large knife into my mom's forearm twisting and pushing it deeper until it goes all the way through. She screams hopelessly, unable to do anything but watch as blood spews from the open wound.

"Get the fuck away from my wife or I will kill you!" I've never heard so much anger from my father. I'm pissed. I fight as hard as possible to get loose from the grip, but it's impossible. I-I can't give up.

  That's when I feel it. As if hands were wrapped around my neck, I am being choked. The more I try to fight against it, the tighter the grip gets. I reach for my neck breaking through the unknown force, but there's nothing there. I struggle and struggle but there's nothing I can do.

I see spots, and my heart beat accelerates beyond what it should be.

"Harry run!" The last words I hear before my father's petrifying cry, and I black out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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