Chapter 1

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There is a little girl, no older than nine. She is playing by the swing set in the sand, building a sand castle with a bright blue shovel and orange bucket. She can feel the sand between her toes as she crouches down to scoop up the water from the lake to fill the moat. As she builds up her empire, she is remembering the old stories her mum told her when she was even younger. The ones with the beautiful princess and her handsome prince who fall in love and even though their families and friends disagree with their relationship, their love for each other prevails in the end and they live happily ever after. As she thinks of these wonderful fantasy lands filled with Fairies and princesses and castles and magic, she can't help but wonder if she will ever meet her prince and have her own 'happily ever after'.

She thinks about how she will someday have a family and a handsome prince, about how she will someday live in a beautiful castle similar to the one she is building now. A castle with tall, protective walls, majestic gardens surrounded by stony paths, leading to the grand doors that open to an open high ceilinged room. The walls will be covered with bright crested banners, a mural will be painted on the ceiling by one of the worlds most famous painters. In the centre of the room across the perfectly laid out tiles there will be two thrones, for her and her husband who will sit proudly at her side. There will be crystal staircases leading to the second floor where there will be bedrooms for her and her family. She can't even begin to imagine how the rest of her castle will look like for it is too big and grand to simply be described, even in the form of a little girl's thoughts.

She continues to fill her bucket with sand, then she pours it out and finishes her routine by patting down the uneven sand with her shovel to smooth out the walls. She leans her head down when she sees a small little ant crawling out of a pile of dry dirt. Her golden blond hair nearly being dipped into the sand as she leans towards the ground. Her pale green eyes staring intently at the small creature attempting to make it's way across the vast area ahead of it. "Where are you running off to?" She whispers to the insect as she reaches out her hand with one finger extended.

With childish grace and clumsiness, she drops her hand in front of the small creature, using it as a barricade so that the ant will have no choice but to change it's course of direction. It turns back towards the castle, retreating from the unknown object that has been placed in front of it. Throughout the confrontation, the girl does not notice the change in the rising and falling of the waves, for at this time she has yet to notice that the moat surrounding and protecting her castle had started to overflow and the sand was slowly being pulled away. She continues to stare at the retreating creature so closely that just before it was nearly swept away by the current she allowed it to climb on her hand.

The small child had now forgotten about her castle and was sitting sitting cross legged in the sand as the waves continued to roll wetting her dress. She brings her hand closer to her face to closer inspect the lovely creature who was scurrying across her hand, no doubt looking for an exit to return to the ground. She knows deep in her heart that it can't hear her, let alone understand what she is saying. She rests her head on her knee as she continues to hold up her hand in front of her, "Dylan. Can I call you Dylan?" The insect made no sound, so she took it as a yes. "My mum told me that the name Dylan has somethin' to do with the sea.. so I guess it's quite fitting."

She wasn't even quite sure if what she was saying about the meaning of name name was correct, but she remembers a day last summer when her and her mum were sitting on a bench looking out at the ocean. It was a grey and rainy day, not the best for sitting outside unprotected from the cold, yet there they sat watching the tides rise and fall. The girl had been swinging her legs back forth, her feet hovering jut above the ground because her legs were not yet long enough to touch the pavement. Her mum was telling her about her younger brother (the girl's uncle) who's name was Dylan and why he was given the name. The young girl only got to meet her uncle Dylan once in her life for he died only a few years ago.

Quite an insignificant memory when you think about it. But in the young girl's mind, it was one that mean't the most. She didn't have very many memories with her mum, she didn't spend much time with her anymore. The girl remembers when they used to come down to the sea all the time and collect seashells. They would play in the water and splash each other until their clothes were dripping wet. One day they stopped going. Something between the two had changed and still being only a child, the girl didn't understand why her mum refused to take her down to the sea where they could continue to play their spirited games.

Pushing the innocent and childish thoughts of her mum from her head, the young girl turned her attention back to her little friend who had been trying to make it's way up her arm. She giggled softly to herself as she felt it's tiny legs carefully scurrying across her skin. She looked up from her new found friend only to notice that the sun had already started to descend, just barley peaking over the horizon. The faint sounds of approaching footsteps in the sand could be heard,and she turned her head slightly to the side where she briefly noticed the rough outline of her father holding out his hand. Glancing back at her proud standing castle, she carefully set down the small creature inside of the protective castle walls before turning around fully and taking her father's hand.

----- (AN)

This is a new story I have been working on.. I do apologize for the font for I know that some tend to get annoyed by me not using the normal one. But alas, I have grown fond of using italics. I do promise that for the next part to the story I will not be using italics for I shall be returning to the normal font that most  use. I do apologize if this displeases anyone.

I would be quite surprised if anyone reading this knew the angle I am planning on going with this book and I will admit that this first part is quite misleading. I am very sorry for the length of this chapter but I do promise that the next shall be longer.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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