Seniorem Malum- Prologue

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The cold was suffocating, the wind blistered the young woman's paled skin into submission. Her blackened feet trudged through the iced snow as she desperately crawled closer to her destination. The creaky house was merely a dozen feet in front of her, in normal circumstances she would have made it to the warmth ten minutes prior. The brown siding glistened in the evening sun on the three story house. The woman had pleaded for the boy to help her, however in his selfish ignorance all he had done was run. Her hands were now blackened from punching the ice. She placed her foot one inch too far from her print and slid back down the slope. Ten small feet, but in her current state seemed more like a mile. She was exhausted, her tears frozen on her face. Again she slowly ascended.

She hadn't felt the pain in a while. Demons cried in the twilight, howling and waiting for her demise. In her adrenaline she saw nothing but the house. A lonely building left in the dreary wilderness. She cried to no ears. Her spirit begged for continuance. In the descending darkness, a brown fox emerged from the wicked forest. Her heart jumped in fear as it watched her. Her only hope was to continue or become a scavenger's meal. It was watching, moving towards her as slowly as the darkness was. She quickened her pace, barely making it to the basement door as the evil clipped the wooden porch. When she turned around the fox was gone, no footprints, no sound, it seemed that all was dead in the night.

The warmth cascaded around her as she entered the black room. She knew the light switch was right next to her but she was too cold to move. She gained the will to follow her memory. Her left foot didn't want to walk, so it dragged across the floor as she leaned to the wall for support. Her right foot carried her a few feet, and made a left turn to the immediate bathroom. The light was already on, she didn't linger onto why that was so. She immediately turned the lever of the shower to the on position. Her blistering fingers cried in agony as the setting was set to a warming 90 degrees. Her clothes sprinkled to the floor covered in melting ice as she crawled into the shower. Pain immediately hit her limp body as she cowered on the shower floor. A whimper was the only sound other than the water that could be heard. After approximately twenty minutes she was able to move again. Still in pain, she curled trying to make sense of what had just occurred.

She was no more than three years over half a decade. The boy she once called friend was one year superior to her and had willfully shoved her down the icy trench. She had seized hold of his blue hikers boot, however in his strength he  kicked her away. The fall hadn't hurt. She cried out to him. He responded in deserting her. He hadn't told a soul of her existence. With her mother asleep, and her dad departed, no one had known or even imagined her absence. Her three older sisters were away at their private school while she was left in the silence. The silence of destitute.

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