Part one: turnabout request

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(This story will be in Phoenix's perspective unless suggested otherwise)
You turn around to see Maya and pearls running up to you.
"What is it now, guys?" You ask, only to be whipped across the shin. You grab your leg and fall to the ground.
"OUCH!" you proclaim.
"Franziska is here!" Pearls says. Thanks pearl for the heads up...
You stand to greet the whip-happy prosecuter.
"Hello, franziska. What brings you- OW! What was that for?!"

She smirks. "One should not address a lady so nonchalantly, Mr. Phoenix Wright. One should use their title followed by their full name."

"Well, ms. Franziska von karma.... what brings you here?"
She smirks again. This can't be good.

"I would like to speak with you about a certain case I am taking on. Maya, little one, might I speak to mr. Phoenix wright alone, please?" She says. Pearls and Maya leave the office, and once she hears the door shut, franziska continues.

"I assume you've heard of the chain of murders across town, correct? Where several prosecuters were shot down right before they could close their cases and receive their final verdicts?"

You gulp. You had heard of these murders, and they all have the same thing in common: every prosecuter that had been killed was working on the same case. The court had been trying to postpone the trials as much as possible, but it had to be done. You nod to franziska, letting your mind race thinking of what she could possibly be thinking of doing next.

"Well, a co-worker of interpol had asked me a small favor, for which I'd need your help, mr. Phoenix wright. I shall be the next substitute prosecuter for the amode trials."

"WHATT?!?! FRANZISKA, THAT'S CRAZY!" you proclaim

"Hmmph. You have done much more reckless tasks in your time, I can assure you. Besides, I am a von Karma. We cannot be put down so easily. Or do you doubt me?" She says, tilting her head a bit and twirling the end of her whip around her fingers.

"What does Edgeworth have to say about this? Surely he's against it."

She whips you across the hands.


"Miles is not my care taker. I do not need his consent for this case. It is my job after all. Now let me get back to my request. The defense attorney of the case has been arrested and taken in for questioning. Would you fill in for just this upcoming trial?"

"And let you risk getting killed? No way!"

"Hmph. Whether you accept my request or not, I am still taking the position as prosecuter of the trial. You accepting my request is merely a chance for me to battle you in court. Think of it this way. If you were to accept my offer, you would be able to make connections to possible suspects as well as keep an eye on me. It's a win win situation. What do you say, Mr phoenix wright?" She extends her hand towards you. You hesitate.

"I...cant. Not until I know Edgeworth is okay with you doing this AND that I know that the best officers are going to protect you."

She looks at you with a bothered and confused look on her face. "Why do you care about my safety? And why do you care what Miles thinks of this? It is not his case-"

"I trust his judgement. And I wouldn't think he'd be able to forgive me if I allowed you to be in danger. I know I wouldn't."

Fransizka shifted her weight to her other leg, crossing her arms. "Hmph. Hes already complied with my request, mr. Phoenix wright. Now what is your answer?"

You hesitate again. If Edgeworth is okay with this, then you suppose you don't really have any reason to decline. You accept and shake on it. And with that, franziska leaves you alone on your office.

Phoenix X Franziska: Turnabout RescueWhere stories live. Discover now