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Adela's POV
My name is Adela (addah luh) Venter. I am nineteen years old and I am the daughter of Willem Venter, the leader of the African clan. My family includes my father, and my twin brother Alexander. My mother didn't feel she could be apart of a leading family, she left my father two months after my brother and I were born.
Tonight is the Leading Families' Ball. The Leading Families' Ball is an annual event where each leading family from each continent come together and celebrate one another. If you ask me, it's a load of bullshït. All the leading families ever do is show off their accomplishments, and secretly contemplate ways to gain more power than what they already have. I wouldn't go if I didn't have to, but I'm next in line for leader and my father says I have to make a good impression. My father says my twin brother Alexander and I have to make a good impression because we are the next co-leaders of our clan. At least the ball will held here in Cape Town.
I groggily get up from my bed, upset that I had to wake up from my nap just for this ball. I heard a small knock on my door.
"Um.. Miss Adela? We need to begin your preparations." I heard our maid Ruth say. Ruth was more of a mother to me than my own mother was. She cared for me and gave me a shoulder to cry on after my mom left.
"Come on in Ruth." I yawned. Ruth and two other maids came in my room ready to make me look presentable. I smiled at Ruth and gave her a hug.
"Good afternoon sweetheart. Are you ready for tonight?"
"Of course not Ruth." Ruth giggled at my comment and ran me a bath. After quickly washing, I slipped on some shorts and a tshirt. The other maid plucked my eyebrows and covered my blemishes with cream.
"Alright, your stylist and your make up artist will be here shortly." I nodded for them to leave and plopped down on my couch. I began to think about the future. My dad is fifty four, and plans on passing the leadership to Alexander and I very soon. Was I ready? I train hard almost every day, and help with almost every political decision made in our clan, but was I ready?
*knock* *knock*
My door opened to reveal my father.
"Good afternoon daughter, are you ready for tonight?" I gave him a simple nod. "That didn't seem very convincing." He made his way over to the couch I was sitting on and put his arm around me. "Now Della, I know how you're feeling. I felt the same way when my mother and father put me in power when I was seventeen when my father fell ill. I don't want you to go through that. So I'm giving you a warning, in two months on you and Alexander's twentieth birthday, I'm handing over the leadership to you both."
"B-but father I'm not-"
"Hush Adela. I know you're ready for this, you and Alexander will be some of the greatest leaders we've ever had lead this clan."
"Maybe Alexander should be the one to lead, father I'm far too sca-"
"Did I raise a coward?!" He boomed.
"N-no I jus-"
"Did I raise a dämn coward?! Answer me child!"
"No." I looked down at my hands, feeling defeated.
"No what?"
"I am not a coward," I thought about the quotes my father had me memorize since I was a little girl. "I am strong, I will not be defeated, and I will not lead our clan to destruction."
"That's my girl, you're much stronger than your mother. Now, tonight I want you to make an ally, the leader of Australia's clan is interested in forming an alliance with us, his name is Ashton Irwin. He's not much older than you actually, but he's a great leader of his clan." He got up from his seat gave me a kiss on the top of my head and walked towards the door.
"I know you can do this baby, you're a Venter." He assured. I said nothing and walked through my double doors out to my balcony overlooking my beautiful country.
"How the hell am I supposed to do this?" I sighed to myself.
Ashton's POV
"We are now landed in Cape Town South Africa! Thank you for flying with us, have a wonderful day!" Boomed the pilot over the speaker. I grabbed my things and rolled my suitcase towards the limo that was escorting me to the Venter's mansion. This country was truly beautiful, so alive and vibrant! My thoughts were interrupted by my steward Vincent.
"Sir when we get to the mansion, we have to get you ready immediately. We running a bit behind schedule and we don't want you to be late to the ball." I nodded and looked back out the window.
I was greeted by Willem Venter himself. I made my way over to him and shook his hand.
"Welcome to my home Mr. Ashton, we're delighted to have you here. You'll be staying in the guest wing of our home. Adela! Come here darling." Within five minutes of being called, a beautiful girl came down the stair case. Actually, beautiful was an understatement. She was absolutely breathtaking. He long brown hair flowed to the end of her back. He chocolatey brown eyes stared into mine.
"Darling, lead Mr. Ashton to his room please." She nodded and walked me down a long hallway.
"That is quite a dress." I said attempting to make conversation.
"My stylist says I need to make a good impression. He said my dress needs to get people talking."
"We'll it certainly got my attention." I saw a small blush creep up on her cheeks, but she kept a stern face. "How old are you anyway?"
"Nineteen. My twin brother and I turn twenty in two months." Something flashed across her eyes when she said this, fear.
"Let me guess, your father is handing over the leadership to you when you turn twenty." She slowly nodded her head. "My father did the same thing to me. Don't worry, I can already tell you'll be a strong leader alone with your brother." I gave her a weak smile.
"How old are you? " I heard her say.
"Twenty-two. I'll see you tonight Della, may I call you Della?"
"Alright, goodbye Della, save me a dance." I gave her a wink and walked into my room and shut my door.
Adela's POV
I looked in the mirror one more time before slipping on my shoes to complete my outfit. My dress was thigh length in the front, and flowed down the back. I adjusted my hair piece and tucked it behind my ears. My hair piece and my band around the top of my arm matched the patterns on my dress, the patterns were star shaped, and beautiful.
"Del we're leaving!" My brother Alexander called. He was wear a black sleek suit with a red bow tie and an embellishment that looked like the patterns on my dress. "Aww we're matching!" He threw his arm around me and gave me a squeeze.
"Get off. " I gave him a push. Once we got in the limo, he continued the conversation.
"Everyone always said I was the happier twin." He said with a smile.
"Well every one always said I was born with a frown." We sat in silence for a while. "Did father tell you his plan for us?"
"Yes, is that why you're in such a pisśy mood?" I chuckled at his words. "I think we're ready. What's the worst we can do?" I shrugged and looked out the window.
It was an hour into the ball and I already wanted to go home. I've lost count of how many fake aśs people have wanted to be my friend. No. As I stared down at my champagne I heard a familiar voice greet me.
"Hello Della. I see you're enjoying yourself." said Ashton sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my champagne. "I believe you owe me a dance." He held out his hand and I took it. He put his other hand on the small of my back. Dämn he was handsome, his dimples made him so adorable.
"We thanks for the dance Adela, lets do this again sometime." He gave me a wink and walked into the crowd. Who was this man and why was I so attracted to him.

Lots of Love

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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