PART ONE : Elanoor Franklin And Christopher Hardy

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It was a midly hot day in the summer of 1949. Elanoor was briskly walking her way down to the milkshake shop south of the barber shop that she managed. "Now I know why they call it managing," she muttered under her breath. "That's all I seem to be doing."

By the time she reached the milkshake place, Elanoor was out of breath and to herself, she seemed out of shape. Out of shape for walking six blocks, at least.

She plumped herself down on a bright red, leather booth and waited for the waiter to come wait on her to wait for the food that will soon be awaiting her. While alone at her booth, she dug out her doodling notebook from her book bag and started sketching the restaurant. "My golly," she whispered to herself, admiring the amount of space in the building.

A young man named Christopher who worked at the milkshake shop cleared his throat. "What may I serve you today mam?" He's a newly hired waiter there.

"Oh!" Elanoor exclaimed, she wasn't expecting a voice from above her.

"My apologies mam, I didn't mean to startle you," the man said apologetically.

Elanoor looked up from her doodle. Her gaze was met with a pair of wonderfully green-blue eyes. She smiled, her heart beating quicker and quicker by the millisecond. "Please, call me Elanoor." She could feel the blood crawl up to her cheeks.

They stood a moment, looking at each other. "Oh, um, uh.. m-my name's Christopher," the man stumbled. Elanoor is the most beautiful lady on the whole west side, Christopher thought.

"That is a wonderful name; Christopher. I'll remember that," Elanoor said, still smiling.

"Aw shucks, thank you ma-" Christopher stopped, remembering he was supposed to call her Elanoor. "Thank you, Elanoor," Christopher corrected.

Elanoor looked back down, searching for her menu. She handed it to Christopher saying, "Just a burger and fries today, thank you."

"You got it."

As Christopher dashed back to the kitchen to give the cooks her order, Elanoor grabbed her pen and flipped the page. She didn't want to draw the restaurant anymore - she couldn't - all she could think about were his eyes. His ocean blue, seaweed green eyes. So she doodled those instead.

Minutes later, Christopher appeared at the end of her table again. This time, with her burger and fries. "Mmm thank you, Christopher. This looks delicious!"

Chuckling, he replied, "Thank you. I hope I'll see you another day Elanoor." And with that, he was gone, disappeared.

Throughout the rest of her day, through the rest of work and back in her mostly vacant apartment, where the only other roommate was her cat, Sherlock, Elanoor couldn't get Christopher off her mind. She kept pacing back and forth across her tiny kitchen, talking to Sherlock about Christopher and how amazing he was - though she had just met him.

"I don't know, Sherlock. My mind is all tied in a knot. And come to think of it, so is my chest. His eyes are just so piercing and blue, they remind me of walking on the beach. He stumbles over words at times, but his voice is so soothing and warm," Elanoor laughed. "Could you imagine? Me? Going back to that shop, seeing him again?" She looked at Sherlock, who was messing with his own tail. Suddenly, Elanoor's eyes widened as she realized, "Why, that's it! I must go back! I must go back everyday so I can see him!" Elanoor announced to her bare walls.

Elanoor wasn't the only one excited. He looked down at his black and white checkered tiled floor, twirling the phone wire around his finger. He was talking to his older sister, Sandra. "But she's just so beautiful," Christopher explained. "And her eyes and her smile.. it's just.. agh!" He sighed. "She's smart, too, San, and she likes to doodle and SHE'S AMAZING, SANDRA!" He shouted into the reciever.

"Oh, yeah. I can tell," Sandra said flatly. "Seems like a real whopper."

It took Christopher a mintue to register the hints, but finally he asked, "What's wrong San?"

"I just.. I just don't want you to get heartbroken, okay? It's a tough life out there. You gotta have to know the good ones from the bad." Sandra paused. "I just don't want you to be disappointed. Sometimes people aren't always as beautiful inside as they are outside. Just be careful, is all I'm 'sayin," Sandra lectured.

"Right, right. I'll be careful. Thanks San, -love you- bye!!" And he hung up. Christopher sprinted into his bedroom and flew onto his bed, smiling the whole time.

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