Chapter One

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The Dream

I woke up to the chill of the midnight air, feeling the cold ground under my feet. It was cold and the ground was covered in pools of rain water. Everything was quiet, not even the sound of cars rushing by broke the silence. I sat up and looked around but not even the lights were on. No car lights, no street lamps, and no house lights were on.

    "Why aren't any lights on, where is everyone?" I thought confused because there were usually people out and lights on. "hello? Is anyone there?" I called out. Where is everyone? I then noticed I was standing near the forbidden well at the side wall of the shrine. "How did I get here?" I asked myself. When I was younger I wasn't allowed to go near it. I still don't because there is something about that well that just made it seem dangerous. Suddenly the sound of crying broke the silence of the quiet air. "What was that?!" I said. What ever it was it scared me so much I slipped and hit my head on the ground. "Ow, ow, ow, ow man that hurt!" I said groaning in pain. Slowly standing back up I looked around to see if I could find who made that crying noise, but since it was pitch black it was hard to see anything, not to mention I hit my head and I was still a little dizzy. "Hello? Are you okay?" I asked. Then the crying stopped, everything went dead quiet again. Then I heard the voice of a little girl.

  "Help me please! I'm stuck in the well!" cried out the voice.

I turned around and started at the well.

"Why, why did she have to be in the well of all places?" I thought scared not for her but for myself. "Come on it's just a well you can do it. There's nothing to be afraid of." I thought again to myself, trying to convince myself that it was just a well. "Okay I'm coming." I said trying not to let my voice crack up. I started to look around for a ladder, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find one. "Dang it! Where is that ladder?! It was in the shed." I said getting annoyed. Suddenly I heard a cracking sound coming from the well, as if something was cracking the ground all around it. I ran back to the well and opened the door to the of it's shrine. Vines were all over it, covering the sides to the point that you could barely see the wood and stone. "Where did those vines come from?!" I yelled out in surprise. It was like I just walked in to find a surprise party. I looked at the vines carefully to see if there were any thorns on them. "Maybe if I climb down them..."I thought, not even thinking of what might happen. I looked into the well and I saw the little girl, curled into a ball. I put my legs in then grabbed a vine and started climbing down. When I reached the bottom of the well I keeled down and asked "How did you get stuck down here?"

"I fell." She said as she trembled from the cold.

"Climb on my back. I'll get you out of here." As I said that the littler girl stood up and got on my back. I started to stand up and grabbed a vine. "Hold on to me. I don't want you to get stuck down here again." I started to climb. When we were half way up I realized something, I could see her perfectly in the dark even though it was pitch black. Then she spoke up.

"Thank you for helping me. I really couldn't have gotten out of here without you." At that moment there was a change in her voice. It sounded as if there were two people talking at once, both having a low voice. I turned my head and there were huge teeth like pincers coming out of her mouth. Screaming I let go of the vine and we fell back into the well. Everything went pitch black, I couldn't see a thing. Not even my own hand in front of my face, I was alone in the dark and I was scared.


A/N: Yeah I know it isn't that good, but hey it's a started right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2016 ⏰

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