iCarly- iHaunted

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Carly, Sam, Freddie and Shane are all given 100 dollars each by The Edison Group to spend a night in a supposedly haunted destination, after spending a night in the house the gang realise supposedly has nothing to do with it.

But wheres the key?...

"Now its time for a new segment on iCarly called..."

"ChitChat!," Sam interrupts in a British accent, " In this SEG we can talk to you coolpeople on the screen right from our studio!"

"Choose that Contact. Fredward." Carlie giggles.

"Here is Eddie," Freddie turns on the monitor and a group of people sitting around a table appear.

"Hey guys your live on iCarly"

The oldest man emerges infront of the screen ...

"iCarly, How are you all?"

"Were good, is their something you'd like to say or ask us?" Carly asked.

"Actually yes, we run a small business called The Edison Group, TEG for short ,and we were wondering if you would like to take us up on an offer and spend a night in a spooky house with in-placed cameras, for commercial purposes?"

"Oh my god, are you kid-" Carly started

"Will their be money involved" Sam interrupted.

"How much did you have in mind," asked the old guy.


"Done. So you guys up for it"

"Are we!"

"Great, Ill se all of you on friday night, 12:00 at violet way?"

"We'll be there" Freddie beamed.

The Edison Group waved bye to Sam Freddie and Carly then signed off.

iCarly finishes.

"So i think we've all learnt something tonight"

"Oh wait we learnt nothing"

"Yea, We waisted your time"

*G'night losers"

iCarly sign off.

Sam runs downstairs to presumably grab something from the fridge leaving Carly and Freddie in the studio.

"So i was thinking, since you and Sam are practically dating. It would be cool if i invited Shane?"

" Sam doesn't like me back, but sure. Go for it"

"I really don't see the problem here, maybe you should just ask Sam how she feels"

"And risk possible head injuries, no thank you"

"Your never going to know if you don't ask"

"I can live with that"


"No! but i don't see you telling Shane how you feel , and plus I'm working up to it"

"Working up to what?" Sam asked walking through the door

"Oh, um..."

"...Packing for tomorrow" Carly saved.

Freddie mouths thank you to Carly and leaves the studio.

     "Hey Carl, do you mind if i crash here tonight?"

"Sure, but don't you need to pack for tomorrow"

iCarly- iHauntedWhere stories live. Discover now