I'm standing at the edge of existance. Behind me, a thousand monsters descend. Their disguises change with each stride. When they look in the mirror do they see there true selves? Arms open wide. In front of me nothing. No one ever knew how existence would end. Sure, they made assumptions: fire, flood, plague, ect. They built their cities, destroyed the forest, and poisoned the water. Warning signs left behind the ruins if ancient civilizations have been misinterpreted. The sins of mankind are always to blame. But who would have guessed it would be so gray? So empty.
Is there really a way back?
Hello? Is there anyone there?
Sorry, wrong number.
there are too many thoughts to cover in such little time. I knew they would find me. I'm glowing in the moonlight. My darkness was to bright to hide forever. They find all of us eventually. They play the odds, and they're up a thousand to one. In front of me is noting. No bright lights, no darkness. No energy. Just noting.
There is no future becuase we no longer have a past. Our present is devised of basic survival, and it's about to end.
They have made sure of that.
I am existence.
I am pain.
I kneel down in the dirt and write some of my last words. I'd speak them, but there is no one left to listen.
game over
Non-Fictionthis struggling teen has to face the world by him self, with millons of zombies, what would you do in an Apocalipsis?