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Winter's pov

I woke up groaning cause my head hurt, where am I? I asked then it all hit me what the kangaroo did you do to me you otter

well now that your up lets take you to the boss this really really cute guy asked he had sandy blond hair, baby blue eyes and was extremely fit and he had a baby face, so all in all he looked like he couldn't hurt a fly but then I remember what he did to me. umm how about no I said snappy

ya you are and by the way im liam so come on

aww your name fits you I said

what does that mean he said

it just means you look like a really nice guy and cute I whispered the last part

why thank you I know im cute he said and I blushed bright red did I jet really say that out loud

yes you did liam said man I need to stop thinking my mind

yes you do ok

man not again

ok lets go he said

fine so we walk do lots of hallways  with big scary guys we finally get to a door that is dark wood liam opens it and steps inside an clears his throat sir we have her he says all business like  and I chuckle. im pretty sure he heard me by the way he tensed up not liking the way I was laughing at him. he then walks in and takes a seat, come on winter come sit down, I sit down and wait not so patiently just wanting to get this over and go home.

liam starts talking after this guy turns around in his chair, Ive always wanted to do that and say ive been exspating you halfway through liams speech I get really bored and start to mouth what liam does and using his hand motions to mock him the big man start laughing and liam says what, he doesn't know because im seating behind him he turns around will you stop that its annoying \, I huff fine he finally stops talking and i keep pouting

then what the big man says stops my heart im sorry houney you cant ever see you family or friends anymore.

what why I ask


hey guys cliffhanger huh ya  ok sooo im going to update tomorrow hopefully im not busy and maybe if you like and follow me and comment me questions about what you want to know about me i'll answer them so yaaaaa ok bye follow, commet, and vote thanks

batman out!!!!

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