Chapter One

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  ~Chapter 1~

There’s always that moment in time when you change from what you used to be, to what you will be. That marker telling you to forget the past and look into the future. The instant when you finally grow up. When you know you can handle yourself in the real world. That moment came sooner than I thought it would. Everything started when I auditioned for a part in a movie.

            I finished my audition, and I could tell the director wasn’t pleased. I could tell as soon as I spoke the last word. Breathed the last breath as the character.

            “You’re a great actress, Jasmine. You really are. But there is just one problem. You’ve obviously never experienced anything the character is going through. The heart break, the confusion, the life threatening experiences, and so on. I’ll be here for one month. If you can either experience all these things, or at least make me believe you have, you’re a part of this movie. I’ll be waiting, Jasmine.” he said. Oh, if only he knew. I was soon ushered outside. I didn’t have anywhere to go. I didn’t have enough money to last me long. Just a bit of cash. I started walking down the beach. I was looking down and wasn’t paying attention when someone ran into me and fell on top of me.

            “Watch where you’re going.” I said.

            “Sorry.”, said a very attractive boy about my age. He had short brown hair, and sparkling brown eyes. I blushed a little as he climbed off of me. “Sorry, um, what’s your name?” he asked, smiling.

            “Jasmine.”, I said. He extended his hand and I just looked at it for a second before realizing I was supposed to shake it. I grabbed it quickly to cover up my hesitation.

            “Josh.”, he said, still smiling. “Nice to meet you Jasmine.”

            “You too, Josh.” He took his hand back and looked at the ground. He smirked and picked something up.

            “This yours?” he asked, picking up my cell phone.

            “Oh crap!” I said grabbing it. It was covered in sand. I tried turning it on. Dead. “Shoot!”

            “It doesn’t look like that’s gonna work anymore.” I looked up and he was still smirking.

            “Well, I’ll just be leaving now. Thanks so much.” I said sarcastically, walking away.

            “Jasmine! Wait! I’m sorry. I-”, he began, but was cut off by a girl running down the beach and jumping into his arms. Then she kissed him. I turned back around and walked up the beach to get away from the water. I sat down. I was staring off when I realized someone sat down next to me. I snapped back to reality and looked to my left. The boy had blond hair, a tan, and bright blue eyes. He was eating a burger. He looked over at me.

            “Sorry. Is it ok if I sit here?” he asked, taking a bite of his burger.

            “Course.”, I said.

            “Jason by the way.” he said, setting his burger down and extending his hand. I took it and shook it.


            “That’s a pretty name.”

            “Thanks.”, I said, smiling.

            He picked up his burger and looked down the beach. His smile slowly faded. I followed his gaze and found myself staring at Josh and the girl. I looked back at Jason and saw a sad expression.

            “You ok?” I asked.

            “Can you do me a favor?” he asked, avoiding my question. I didn’t see bright blue eyes anymore. I saw hurt masked by beauty.

            “Sure. What is it?”

            “Would you pretend to be my girlfriend?”

            “Sure.”, I said. He smiled and finished his burger. He got up and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. He walked toward Josh.

            “Hey.”, he said, still walking.

            “Oh, hi.” Josh said.

            “Hullo.”, said the girl. I just smiled. Josh looked down at our intertwined hands, then looked up into my face.

            “My name is Claire by the way. What’s yours?”, asked the girl. It took me a second to realize she was talking to me.

            “Jasmine.”, I said, smiling and extending my free hand.

            “Echante.”, she said, with a mischievous grin. Josh grabbed her waist and pulled her close. She giggled and kissed him. I looked over and saw the hurt in Jason’s eyes, even though a smile was plastered on his face. I nudged him, and he looked over at me. We said goodbye and walked up the beach. I was looking at the ground and barely dodged two boys running toward us, who tackled Jason. I rolled out of the way and watched. They all started laughing. Then one of them got up and looked at me. My heart stopped.


I posted a picture of Jasmine to the side! ---->

This is my first story I've published, so I hope it's alright! :/ I kind of got this idea off of something on Facebook, soooo, if you wrote the origional, this is somewhat based off your story! :) 

I left a little bit of a cliffhanger for you guys! :p not much, but kinda... sorry this chapter is kinda boring! :/ the next chapters will be more interesting though, I PROMISE! :) 

Well, that's all! :)



If anyone wants to make a cover for me that would be lovely! :p And I'll post how I imagine the characters in the chapters.

Ok, bye for real this time! 

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