The Invisible Ghost Party

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My story dates back to when I was about 13 years old. That would be about 14 years ago. I was staying with my aunt and uncle in a town 12 kilometres from my hometown. I loved staying with them, because they lived in the woods and I used to take long forest walks with their dog. Their house was, as I mentioned, situated in a forest and connected to another house. Here in Holland we call that "two-under-one-roof" houses but I don't know if there's an English term for that.

Anyway, I also loved to stay there because my aunt and uncle really spoiled me. They gave me lots of candy and stuff and allowed me to stay up really late for my age.

What happened to me happened at about 3 am. I distinctly remember because I had never stayed up so late and probably couldn't sleep because of that: I got over my sleep. That made me look at the clock a lot.

As I was lying in bed, reading I believe, I heard disco-like music in the far distance. I thought that maybe there was a party in town because out there nobody else lived for at least 2 kilometres and the neighbours were on holiday. (It was summer vacation) The weird thing was, the music grew louder as it came closer. At one point it sounded as if it was in the living room directly beneath me!

That freaked me out of course, but it also made me curious. So I wanted to check out what this was. But as soon as I stepped over the threshold (hope that's the right word) of the bedroom, the music stopped abruptly! I tried several times with the same result. I even woke up my uncle to see if he could hear it. But he couldn't, even in the room where I could!

It did freak me out but I was more intrigued than scared. The next nights however (3 more nights), I didn't hear anything anymore.

I still wonder to this day what it could have been. I didn't see anything, just heard the music.

I have had my fair share of experiences, but that was after this one and I'll save those for later. What do you think, ghosts having a party?

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