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3 years ago.

Harry lays awake in his bed. He looks at the cracked ceilings in his Orphanage.

That was what Harry was an Orphan.

He turns his head to his sister Gemma who is sleeping. Gemma was older than Harry by a year. Harry is 17 and Gemma is 18.

Meaning that today Gemma was getting out... Or kicked out. Leaving her brother alone in this hell hole.

Harry thought that leaving was an exciting thing. He wouldn't have to worry about that bitch Mrs. Henderson always poking her nose in places it didn't belong.

Harry has been in this orphanage since he was a baby. Gemma had just turned a year old. His so called parents were barely taking care of Gemma so when Harry came along "they had to give them up".

Bullshit. Harry hated excuses. It was no excuse. Granted, his parents may have not had the money then but it's been 17 fucking years! And they could have visited them on Family Day.

His friend Niall was put in this orphanage for the same reason but every other Saturday on family Niall's parents were there.

And that is how Harry knew his parents were full of shit and he hated them.

Now Harry is going to be left alone after Gemma leaves in a few hours.

Gemma was the only person who cared for Harry. Gemma had a job at a donut shop down the road and she had already got an apartment she was moving to England.

Gemma was very smart and earned herself a full scholarship for a college out there.

Harry wished he could go with her but he couldn't. There are only 3 ways you get out of here.

1. An adult over the age of 21 comes and takes you to live with them.
2. You age out of the system.
3. You run away.

Mrs. Henderson opens the door.
"Harry , Gemma wake up it's time to go to the Main Hall then you can have breakfast",Mrs. Henderson says.

Harry sighs. He hated the Main Hall. All the orphan sit in there waiting to be taken away by there "dream family".

It happens to some orphans but never to Harry and Gemma.


Harry leans on the wall of the main hall. Mrs. Henderson opens the door and all the orphans' heart skip a beat. Even Harry's waiting for their name to be called by Mrs. Henderson.

It would be perfect if Mrs. Henderson called Harry's name because then he wouldn't be lonely.

"Niall Horan",She says.

All eyes turn to the irish blonde haired boy standing by Harry.

Niall follows Mrs. Henderson out the main hall. And minutes later he comes back.

This was strange, because normally once an orphan was called he left to go with his new family.

Niall sat next to Harry and Gemma as they had breakfast. Harry arched a eyebrow to Niall. "Why are you still here?",Harry questions. Niall smiles. "My parents! They finally came to get me! But I told them I wanted to stay a little longer to keep you company Harry after Gemma leaves",Niall says.

"That's crazy Niall! Go with your parents I'll be fine",Harry lies. Harry really wanted Niall to stay but he couldn't take the best moment of Niall's life away from him.

"Are you sure?",Niall questions. Harry nods. "Okay, well I want you to have this for good luck",Niall says taking off his Paper Airplane necklace and putting it on Harry.

Harry weakly smiles as Niall pulls him into a hug. Harry blinks back the tears. "Don't cry buddy, we will met again",Niall says. Harry nods. "Remember just because you are an orphan doesn't mean you can't have your dream",Niall says.

Harry scoffs. "Like anyone wants an orphan to be an actor",He says. Niall laughs "I better see you starring in a movie with me"Niall says. Harry smiles. He always admired how hopeful Niall was even after everything he has been through.

Niall also wanted to be an actor. Gemma wanted to be a teacher. "Take care Niall",Harry says. Niall smiles as he gets up "You too",He answers before leaving. Gemma turns to her brother.

"Well, Hazza I am going to be leaving soon,"She says. Harry feels tears running down his face.

"I can't take it anymore!",Harry yells. "Then where will you go?",Gemma questions. "Far, from here",Harry responds. "No, you stay right here. I promise I will be back for you when you turn 18",Gemma says. She kissing her brother on the head before leaving.

That night Harry laid on his bed as he quietly sobbed. He turned to the Big window in between. His and Gemma's empty bed. He could see the full moon and it was pouring outside.

I am leaving and I am not coming back!!!

He throw off this covers and opened the big window. His room was on the first floor so it wasn't hard to get out.

Once Harry's socks hit the wet street. He wondered why he never left before. He felt so free. But what was Harry going to do now?

Harry sat on the curb as the rain fell on his curly hair. "Hey kid",He heard a deep voice and Harry looked up to see a man. He was holding a Black umbrella and had on a Tan coat.

He had blue eyes and Black hair. He looked like he was 30. "You got any family?",He asks. Harry scoffed "Fuck no",He answered.

Causing the man to chuckle. "How old are you?",He asked. "17",Harry answered. The man smiled wide. "Your a little young but I think I have a job for you",He responds.

Harry face gleamed as he stood up. "What kind of job?",Harry asks. The man chuckled but not because something was funny.

"Let's just say it's a job I wouldn't want my son to have but it pays well",The man answers. "Deal, anything is better than this",Harry responds and he believes it too.

"Henry Manson",The man says putting his hand out to shake. Harry shakes his hand "Harry Styles",Harry replies.

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