It was a normal day in LA. Mark,Jack,Bob,Wade, and a lot more youtubers and I were going to PAX PRIME for our YouTube channel. When we got there many other youtubers decided to join our pack. The other youtubers were
pewdiepie, yamimash, ken, cry ,minx,jelly, and my brother and more. We all got up on stage.hours went by and we were still there. what was most tiring was every 20 minutes or so they would play music and we would all have to get up and dance. Jack was pelvis thrusting tords the girl youtubers mark was dancing on me. Bob was dancing with his wife who got on stage. Wade was trying to dance like Bob with molly but he failed miserably. he ended up falling on his ass. Pewds was with marzia and they were just doing there thing. But what scared me was that mark was grinding on me.
soft music started to play. everyone grabbed a partner but Mark and I were left alone mark looked at me and walked towards me. I got a little scared. was Mark trying to hook up with me? They started to make a kiss cam and a lot of people were kissing the last people to kiss were mark and I. he roughly kissed me. They decided to zoom in on our kiss because no one has seen me kiss or mark. " Haha mark" My brother's jaw dropped and so did his girlfriend's.
the kiss ended and I fainted