Why don't people like Donald Trump. He is the most successful of all the candidates and will defend our country with the southern wall. He will also behead ISIS and take their oil. Don't you want that? Then we won't have people blowing people up every week. All most of those other candidates are talking about the weather and banning guns which breaks the 2nd amendment and would make our country more vulnerable if no one had guns. And banning guns won't do anything because they can blow people up instead (Man, these people are monsters [The people who want to ban guns and the terrorists]). Not to mention he will revive our economy partly if not entirely. His father gave a small loan of 1 million dollars then turned around and made 1 billion dollars. Those other politicians would just spend money on vacations and other useless stuff. Trump will use his own money for his vacations. Trump is also very honest unlike other politicians. So I say trump is the best choice. Trump for president!