Diary 1

732 26 2

August 10, 2012

Dear Diary,
Another semester of school and it's going to be the same thing again. Study hard, work even harder and then...sleep. Same routine like I did every day.

Since my family and I are poor, we do whatever we can to afford anything we can get. But sometimes I wonder why they would register me in SM High School. They say they wanted me to have a career of being a nurse. Well, it's my dream to be one.

"Naeun! Breakfast!" She heard her Mom calling her.

"Ne!" Naeun put her diary away and rushed downstairs.

Her mom cooked French toast for her as she started with her lunch.

"Eomma, where did Dad go?" Naeun asked as she ate.
"He went to work early." Her mom replied.

"Oh. Appa is working too hard and we never had a family get together no more." Naeun said, as she pouts.

Her mom nodded.
"Working at the Kim Company as a Secretary...it must be hard for him."

Naeun sighed and got up.
"I'm going to school. I will see you tonight, Mom."

"Ne. I'll be here."

She turned around and her best friend charged for a hug.

"Bomi-ah! You're squishing me." Naeun whimpered.

Bomi pulled away as Naeun panted.

"Minhae. I just missed you. Even though we started for a new semester." she said.

Naeun sighed.

"At least this semester will change for a bit. Last semester was worse."

"Ah, like..."

"Yep. Boys following me around. Which I pretty much hate." Naeun said.

Bomi sighed.

"Oh, remember your crush?" she asked.

"What crush?" Naeun asked.

Bomi giggled. "I'm talking about Kai."

Naeun gulped and looked away.

"Eh?! You still have a crush on him?!" Bomi exclaimed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Naeun said, walking away.

"Yah! Son Naeun!"
Taemin and Kai walked by as girls were squealing.

"Geez, you seem to get more popular every semester." Taemin said.

Kai just scoffed.

"Popularity doesn't matter to me. And these girls are not that pretty." he said.

"Jinja? What about Krystal? She's the prettiest girl in the school." Taemin suggested.

"I met Krystal before. She only treats me like a friend." Kai said, going towards his locker.

"Wow really?" Taemin asked, leaning the locker beside Kai's.

"This school never change, don't you think?" Taemin asked.

Kai just shrugged as he grabbed his books.

"Anyway, what's your ideal type?" Taemin asked.

Kai closed his locker and started to think.

"Well, she has to be beautiful." Kai said.

"Dude, that will be hard to find a beautiful girl on this earth." Taemin said.

Dear Diary (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now