A cat

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Its been 800 years since he died but it feels like it was just yesterday when i met him..

My name is Mizuki Madahara I am a spirit demon. What is a spirit demon you ask? ,well a spirit demon is a demon who was once a human and had died with many sins and regrets. Trust me it's not something im proud of being..
I'm trying to find another village to live at since the last one figured out about my powers and tried to kill me ,but that's another story. "Oh!" a village comes into my view as I walk up a hill. I wonder if they're friendly.
///Time Skip///
I come up to the village gates and two guards head towards me.
"Hello miss how may we help you?"One guard says. "Hi ,is it possible for me to live here i promise not to cause any problems"I say trying to not be suspicious. "Of course! Come right in!"the guard exclaims. I follow him inside suprised by his enthusiasm.

///Time Skip/// (He gives her a tour)

The guard leaves me in front of a hotel for me to stay at. I walk in and see a young man crying on the counter."Umm.. excuse me sir, are you alright?" I ask worriedly. The man jolts up in suprise and quickly wipes his tears. "Im okay I just haven't had any customers in years, so how may I help you?" He asks me. " Well I was wondering if I could stay here?". "YES! OF COURSE!" He happily exclaims. "Follow me I'll show you to your room"he says."By the way the names Kio"Kio says. "Nice name..my names Mizuki". "Hehe what a cute name it suits you"he says while blushing.I laugh nervously in respond.
"Here we are"he says as he unlocks a door. The door opens to show a beautiful room full of turquoise furniture and white wallpaper. "Wow it's so beautiful!"I exclaim." Yeah well I try my best, you never know when a customer will come" he says with a frown. (Poor guy) I think. I walk In the room as he leaves me to unpack my bag.
I unpack my things then hear a tiny noise from the corner of the room. I take a closer inspection and find a black cat. "Aww what are you doing in here"I say in my nicest voice possible. The cat meows as i pick it up. I go downstairs and see a hooded man talking to Kio. The man stops talking to him and glares at me as he walks by. "Who was that?"I ask Kio."He said he was a priest and needed a place to stay, umm Mitsuki can I ask why are you holding a cat?"Kio redponds."Oh yeah, I found him in my room and was going to let him out".Kio looks at me strangely then responds"okay".I leave and lay the cat on the ground.I begin to walk away when i hear a voice"Hey you!".I turn around only to see nothing."Must have been my imagination"i say only to hear the voice again."I'm not imaginary im down here!".I look down to see the cat talking to me.

Hey welcome to my first story I've ever made on here.Is it good? Was it too short?well sorry if it was short, if it was good and you want more tell me btw I have no idea when I'll play the next chapter :| anyway see ya!

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