Into the real world.

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You sit alone in your room at your computer...

It's about 5:30 in the morning, the closed blinds of your bedroom window make it dark. Your eyes slightly hurt from staring at the brightly lit screen of you computer.

The sides of your ears are now red and sore from wearing your headphones all night long.

Your tired, but closing your eyes is too painful. You don't always stay up till morning, this is one of the only times you have. You just couldn't fall asleep, because of your irrational fear of the dark. You know it's childish buts it's something you've always had a fear of.

So you spent last night on your phone and in front of the computer, texting friends about pretty much nothing and rummaging through old youtube videos.

You cough out a dry laugh at something funny Dan Howell said in the video that's playing. You stop for a moment and pause the video. You stare at the screen. Dan and Phil are playing the Sims together. You spend a few moments wondering why you feel so sad.

You wonder how two people were so lucky to find each other. They're such good friends. They're always together. They live with each other, they work together, they even created a book together.

You smile at how happy they must be. But this aching feeling swims around your chests. You exit from the video, and decide to refresh your video feed.

Only one video appears. A new video by by 'Good Mythical Morning.' You click on the video. The intro appears. But you aren't paying so much attention as to the content of the video, But mostly just Rhett and Link.

You try to remember as much about them as you can. They've been friends since they were kids. Now grown up and each married with kids, they're still best friends. And they work together, creating music and videos together.

How lucky. You feel a tear begin to build up and run down your cheek.

You wipe it away quickly. And tell yourself it's because of how tired your eyes are.

You exit from Rhett and Links video, and exit from YouTube as well.

Opening a new tab you open up netflix from you bookmarks. After waiting for it to load, you scroll through the all the categories.

You don't feel in the mood to watch any shows. And your not sure what you want to watch. So you find yourself looking through the comedy section. Maybe you can cheer yourself up with a good laugh.

You read all the titles, skipping through movies you've already seen, and come across 'Smosh the movie.' You see The cover.

Ian and Anthony are high fiving each other goofily. You laugh. You've seen this movie many times before.

You think about how much they changed over the years. From two best friends creating silly videos together, to a whole Smosh family. With cartoons, games, and the same silly videos.

Just like Dan and Phil, and Rhett and Link, they get to spend their time working together with their best friend.

You quickly shut down your computer out of frustration, And shake your head.

You slap yourself in the face. It wasn't hard but it still hurt. "What an Idiot." You say to yourself with a smirk, staring into the blackness of your computer.

It works like a mirror. You see your face. How messy your hair is, caught in your headphones. The beginning of dark circles under your eyes.

You let out a grunt of hate for yourself and spin your chair around.
Now you can't see yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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