A rude awakening

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The Amazing Life of Edgar Smichecel

Edgar: Hello Overlord, you may be wondering what you are doing here.

Overlord: Ugh! WHat the heck Edgar!! Why did i wake up in a bag of potatoes?

Edgar: It is clearly because the potatoes hate you...anyways we are here to discuss the matter of the college party.

Overlord: NO! are not bringing that up again.

Edgar: I will not stop until you admit it was apple juice! If you don't tell them the story I will.

Overlord: It was orange juice! it was orange! Meaning- orange juice.

Edgar: No overlord, the orange means apple and it was apple!

Overlord: OMGGGGGGGGGGG you are so annoying Edgar.

Edgar:Is that what you say now? You are just

the same as you were in college, here want to some this APPLE JUICE.

Overlord: No I do not want APPLE JUICE I would like some ORANGE JUICE.

Edgar: You will drink the apple juice and you will like the apple juice!

Overlord: But i don't even like apple juice you idjit. It's so appley. And gross.

Edgar: Of course you like apple juice why else would you have asked for it at the party?


Edgar: If you are so sure it was orange juice why don't we tell the story?

Overlord: Fine! You can tell it and I will provide....... insightful commentary.


Overlord:exactly: insightful

Edgar: It was a dark stormy night.... oh never mind, it was a sunny warm day and Overlord comes strolling into my house like "Hey Edgar i'm just gonna burst into your part because i can do whatever I want meh.-


Edgar: Of course it did they all believe me because my comments are more insightful -

Overlord: Insightful? Please, I invented insightful. Well my cousin did actually but I helped so close enough!

Edgar:your cousin is my cousin! and since I am older he's uh...more my cousin! he's been my cousin for longer!

Overlord:But he was closer to my age than yours! and we hung out more!

Edgar:Shhh, don't worry about petty things like that. Anyways Overlord came into my house and asked for APPLE JUICE.

Overlord: My memory says otherwise! and I am like 65% sure that I didn't even know apple juice existed at the time. I was a disconnected kid okay?

Edgar:Hey you know what! i never told you this but I went through your whole memory and replaced the things I didn't like. I guess I missed a spot..

Overlord: and I guess I missed a spot when I traveled back in time to try and wipe out your existence.... we all fail at some point.

Edgar: And I guess I missed a spot when I just covered your place in paint...I must just be terrible at what I do huh?

Overlord: We all miss spots, this calls for a bro hug! Get in here big brother.

Edgar: Um I'm gonna pass, you can give Jerry your bro hug, I'm sure he wouldn't attack you after you wiped out his entire race.

Overlord: How many times must I say this? IT WAS A MISTAKE! I'M SORRY JERRY! MY ADVISOR IS A BIT TRIGGER HAPPY OKAY? so it technically wasn't me anyways.

Edgar: Scarecrows never make mistakes Trigger happy trigger snappy oh wait that was terrible give me a moment to think of a better comeback.

Overlord: I'll give you five seconds starting... now!

Edgar:Uh..... your so trigger angry bam!

Overlord: your mom is trigger happy. BOOM I WIN! wait that means that both our moms are trigger happy.... it was still good though

Edgar: You just keep telling yourself that. Anyways then I decided to maybe just put a little bit of sleeping juice in the APPLE JUICE.

Overlord: ......orange juice...... and that was a jerk move by the way. Putting sleeping juice into my orange juice. #RUDE


Overlord: You are so not a good big brother-

Edgar: I'm an amazing big bro, little bro what happened?

Overlord: Yeah right, you are worse of a big brother to me than Kanye West is a good samaritan to poor people

Edgar: Well you ARE Kanye West, after you you took over the world, you seemed to be going on the same track as Kanye West did when he was president, succeeding Donald Trump before him.

Overlord: I least i took Trump's wall down. Sorry walls down.

Edgar: I think you secretly kept it, why are there so many accounts of running into invisible walls on the mexican border?

Overlord; Because I let my cook experiment with my invisible concoctions and BOOM! She made a wall, I guess the fact that she was Trump's granddaughter meant that she wanted to carry on his legacy.

Edgar: You should drink one of those invisible potions! OOOOOOOOOOOH. Do you need some ice for that burn?

Overlord: No I don't because my heart is cold enough to cool it down.

Edgar: You mean the one that doesn't exist?

Overlord: no i mean my spare one in the back, I keep a few in case of dire situations.

Edgar: Who did you steal them from?

Overlord: I didn't steal them I made them.

Edgar: Out of Clay! and when their dry and ready! oh hearts you shall use!

Overlord: I think that we're a bit off track.....

Edgar: What were we talking about?

Overlord: the college party.....

Edgar; Oh right, in conclusion it was apple juice.

Overlord: It was- you know what? I give up...

Edgar: Yes! Victory is mine!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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