Here we go.

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Topaz and Aunox were not always traitors to there home world. They were once the top two fighters in the second battalion first shock troops, the most respected and feared warriors in the entire army. Aunox was a major and Topaz was a captain, and they both served under a jasper colonel. Aunox's gem was located in his eye so he has one pitch black eye with a blue part where the purple should be and his others one is red isres and green where the white part should be. His weapons are gauntlets with spikes where the nuckles are and the fingers have foot long blades and are pure black. Topaz has his gem on his back and his weapon is a brodsword that is an amber color he can also travail at incredible speeds and also know automatically what other gems weapons are and how they use them. Aunox is a rare gem in the army or any where else for that matter because they can travel wherever and whenever they want and are almost immortal. He can also control all the elements including lightning and every form of metal and liquid, as well as control ice.
Aunox and topaz came to earth to stop the rebellion from getting any more out of hand and to capture the leader of the rebels, Rose Quartz. Aunox and topaz were deployed to zone 34 where the rebels had a strong hold where they were led to believe that Rose Quartz was along with a few other top ranking individuals. Zone 35 was on the north side of the compound while the distraction force was at zone 32 witch is on the south side. This force was made up of 35 Jaspers including the colonel if the unit while Aunox 's squad had Aunox,topaz, 7 Jaspers and two pearls. Aunox's squad was called bravo while the distraction was called Alfa, and Alfa had just started there attack while bravo just landed in the hot humid jungle surrounding the area. Aunox terns to the squad and says "listen up! Today if is the day we have a chance that we can capture Rose quartz and end this rebellion. Some of you will get hurt and some of you will have your ficical forms destroyed, but I promise you we will not be defeated today. We will succeed. IS. THAT. CLEAR?!?!?!" "Yes sir!" Everyone agrees. "Good lets get moving." The squad used Aunox's abilities to tellaport to just outside the compound. They saw two sentries guarding the door because they didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to go this route. The reason they think that is because on two sides are sheer mountain sides and so you would have to come up the middle single file into a bog that would suck down your feet as soon as you rich it, no one is going to use that rout its idiotic and they wouldn't possibly be that dumb. They were wrong. Now poping  out of nowhere seven Jaspers and a eight foot tall topaz with a brod sword and a fifteen foot tall Aunox with spiked gauntlet with Freddie croger type finger blades each a foot long is not hard to miss but suddenly, boom here they are. Well as you expect they took down the gards and got inside to find all of the main force distroyed and every defender in the fort standing there to great the small squad weapons drawn. A ten foot tall sword in hand Rose quartz steps forward and states ever so calmly with a kind smile and sinserness in her eyes "Please surrender and you have my word that you or your men won't be harmed. I would like to talk to whoever is in command afterwards." All of bravo looks to Aunox silently asking what to do, Aunox thinks to himself "well this ain't good" while keeping his eyes on the rebellious gems in front of him. "On your word sir." Topaz says with a gaze made of titanium, Aunox says with a smile on his face and madness in his eyes "let's do this, FOR OUR COMRADES AND HOME.!!!!!" And then he charges forward followed by the rest. End of chapter one.

Let me know if you liked it or not and also tell me how and what you want to see in the storyline. Also this is my first time writing on this thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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