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July 26, 6:09 pm.

Cameron is acting so weird lately. First, he started juggling those balls with no success. Now, he insists on showing me that he knows how to speak Spanish fluently.

"Yo soy muy guapo (I'm very handsome)", he told me the moment we met up at the park.

I laughed. "What does it mean?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow up.

"You are very pretty," He smiled, showing him adorable dimples on his cheeks.

"Wouldn't it be 'tu eres muy guapa'?" I asked him.

He took a look at the little book that was in his hands.

"Crap, yeah." He cursed, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, Spanish can be pretty hard," I laughed.

"Yo quiero casarme contigo (I want to marry you)," He smiled, taking my hand and kissing it.

I let out a giggle. Cameron was ridiculously cute when he was trying to be clever.

"You want to marry me?" I laughed. His cheeks turned bright red.

"Well, yeah." He whispered, scratching the back of his neck. "One day, but I said I want to date you." He huffed.

My cheeks turned bright red.

"No, you said casar, which means marry. Date would be pololear." I told him.

"Man, you know better Spanish than me." He sighed in defeat.

I laughed at his misery.

"What are you trying to prove?" I asked him.

"I can't tell you," He scratched the back of his neck.

"Tell me," I pleaded.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I gotta go. Bye I lo-like you." He said in a hurry, gave me a peck on the lips and walked away quickly.

Lo-like? Could it be...?

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