First Time Tag

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@insxnebxnds tagged me to do this tag, so why not!:)

1. Do you still take to your first love?
I haven't been in love yet soo

2. Who was the first person you texted today?

3. Who was the first person you thought of this morning?
My mom because she woke me up lol

4. Who was your first grade teacher?
Tbh I forgot her name, but I remember she was a ventriloquist.

5. Where did you go on your first plane ride?
I went to Aruba, because I was born in the states, but lived there for a while.

6. Who was your first best friend? And do you still talk to them?
My first best friend was a girl named Joey. Sadly we don't talk anymore because I moved.

7. Where was your first sleepover?
Joey's house

8. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Wake up

9. What was the first concert you went to?
This is really embarrassing but Berry Manillow(idek how to spell his name)

10. First broken bone?
I haven't had a broken bone

11. First piercing?
I was 6 when I got my first piercing. Then I got a double piercing when I was 10/11. I got my triple piercing for my 14th birthday.

12. First movie you remember seeing?
My parents told me the first movie they ever took me to was that Shark Tank movie, I forgot the name.

13. When was your 1st detention?
My 1st detention was in 6th grade, and honesty I don't really remember why. I think it was for either taking a selfie or standing up in class a lot.

14. What is the first thing you do when you get home?

15. When was your first kiss?

The end

I tag Lexlolmendes zwballet LuminescentNight
LuminescentEssence MidnighRose161 Fire_Dragonslayor

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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