Chapter 1

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"Yo, ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me..."

"Elizabeth, I don't want you singing that rubbish. Do you hear me?" My father carries a harsh tone, but I know he means well.

Commander Norrington walks up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder, "that song is used to summon pirates. We cant be singing that, especially in these waters."

"Actually, I think it would be rather exciting to meet a pirate!" I chirp. The thought excites me further. My father notices and guides me away from the starboard rail. "That is what concerns me..."
We sail on for about a mile before a sinking ship engulfed in flames is on the horizon. Pieces of cargo, the ship and random bits float on the strikingly calm surface of the water. "Holy mother of Pearl!" A member of the crew whispers. I turn to see it is Mr. Gibbs who is looking more terrified than many of the other members. I know it is for my sake that they aren't hollering, "Abandon ship!"

"Everybody's just thinking it, and I'm saying it it. Pirates," Mr. Gibbs growls under his breath.

"All men to your stations!" A voice hollers and the crew jumps into action, pulling the boat away from the burning ruins.

I find an unoccupied spot near the front of the boat, away from most of the commotion. As I peer over the port side rail, I see a piece of floating wood. At first the object on top looks like an old coat, but upon further inspection, I pick out hands clutching the edge, balancing the scrap. His face is turned to the side and I fear for his life. "Look! A boy, there! In the water!"
The crew rushes over toward me as I point. someone behind me yells "Man overboard!"  and i can smell his vulgar breath. 
When he is hauled in, my father places the boy in my charge. I take him over by the mast and after slight prodding, he sputters out water, coughing. "Are you alright?" He fights for breath before he clears his lungs of excess fluid, "My name is Elizabeth Swan. What is yours?"

"William, William Turner." As his head  falls back to the deck, a token falls out behind his shirt. I recognize a pirate's symbol, a skull and crossed bones on the gold surface. I quickly pluck it from his neck. "You're a pirate," I whisper. My face goes white and I want to ask more questions, but a voice interrupts my thoughts. 

"Did you find anything Elizabeth?" My father appears behind me and I tuck the medallion in the folds of my skirt.
"His name is William Turner, that's all I've found out..."


I wake with a start. The memory is still sharp in my mind as I reach for my bedside table. I open the draw, moving it's contents to reveal a compartment beneath it. The medallion still has the same kind of sparkle it did when I saw it first.
It feels thin between my fingers and the chain is slightly tangled. My fingers work quickly to unravel it as I clasp it around my neck.

Peering into a mirror at my reflection, my eyes skim over my long blonde hair, blue eyes, pale complexion and freckles before landing on the gold piece. I am astounded at its beauty. My fingers flatten it against my chest, the cold metal sending a chill down my spine. 

A light rap sounds off at my door, "Elizabeth? Are you awake?"
I shove the necklace into my bodice, throwing on a robe.

"Yes, yes!" I call out breathing hard from my attempts to hide the gold piece under my neckline.  I move toward the door, opening it.
Jack Sparrow is leaning against the door frame, the wind whipping his dread locks across his face. He smirks when he sees that I'm still in my night gown and I cross my arms over my chest to hide the thin fabric. It's been three days since I left Port Royale and still no Will. When Captain Barbosa and his crew attacked my home, they took him as prisoner. Jack has informed me that they need his blood to settle the curse they have placed upon themselves at the Isle de Muerta. 

Every night, when the moon is brightest, they are transformed into their skeletal forms, unable to die, unable to feel anything or quench their hunger. They need Will's blood to release them from the curse. Will's father was part of the crew but was thrown overboard to Davy Jones' locker. They haven't seen him since.

What they don't know they're missing is the last gold piece, which I have. It's tucked safely under my dress. I instinctively reach up to feel it under the soft fabric to reassure myself it's still there, even though it couldn't have moved from my neck.

"What do you want Jack?" I ask bitterly, stepping aside so he can come in. I don't need the whole crew to see me nearly naked through the door. He saunters inside, taking his hat off and sitting on the desk in the center of the cabin. I took his room, and he is a little bitter about it.

"Well you see, I have a proposal. Seeing as Barbosa doesnt know that the piece you have concealed under that bodice you wear is missing, and being a lady such as yourself, I think it's best if I keep it. Just until we can get my ship back, and sail away with your friend on board, savvy?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Sparrow, but it seems I am disinclined to acquiesce your request." He looks confused, staring at me blankly, "It means no, Jack."

"Fine, if you want to be run through by a pirate, and get involved with pirate business therefore removing all possibility of a pardon from the King to spare you from the gallows, by all means, keep the damn thing." He begins to walk towards the door and I mull it over. How bad could it be to give him the piece? I would be able to keep my honour in tact...

"Wait! I have a proposal. What if you get to hold onto this piece for me, but I get to take it back when I need it?"

"Only, luv, when it's most convenient for me."


"Good then!" He reaches behind my neck and unclasps the chain from around my neck. I suck in a breath at the contact of his warm hands brushing at my neck. The scent of salt and the sea air washes over me and I shudder. He smirks and I glare at him.

"Nice doing buisness with you luv." And with that, he leaves the room, and I feel like I have made a terrible mistake.

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