How James Met Lily

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There we were, standing at the altar, me and Lily. She was beautiful. Dressed in white lace, she looked like a princess, her red and green eyes were amazing. I was nothing to compare. I was dressed in a hand-me-down tux my dad was married in. It was all so perfect, all I ever wanted.

"Sevs... Severus!" Someone called.

The Door Opened.

"Ah, Sevs, There you are I've been looking for you." Lily said as she walked in.

I lost my breath, scared that she would see what I saw.

"That Potter boy is following me again, so I came looking for you. Say, what are you doing in this part on of the castle this late at night?" Lily Asked.

"I... um... I just... um," I Stuttered

I was confused. Surly she could see it. Why hadn't she responded?

"Evans! Evans, Where'd you go?!" James Called

"Oh dear, He just can't take a hint!" Lily said as she closed the door behind her. "Mind if I hide in here?" She asked me.

"Um... No."

I was still confused. It was still there, I could see it. Why hadn't she commented on it?

"OH? What's this?" She said, Gazing at the mirror in the middle of the room, it was at least 8ft tall. I stood only a few feet in front of it.

"The Mirror of Erised" She said stepping towards it. "I read a book on this, it said The Mirror of Erised shows the viewer whatever he truly desires. Men have wasted their lives staring into it... pretty cool huh?"

"So you don't see what I see? " I asked.

"Well, no, since we're two different people we desire different things, what do you see Sevs?"

""Oh...Um... Shytherin winning the house cup."


"Well what do you see?" I asked

"Hmm..." she stepped Toward the Mirror and squinted her eyes "I see... well it's a little foggy... but I think it's a boy."

"A boy?!" I Shouted. Wait, Could it be me?

"What's he look like? Does He go here? What houses is his in?" I asked franticly.

"It's" she paused and her face dropped in confuseion"Potter."

"POTTER!" I yelled. At the sound of the name I instinctively drew my wand.

"Oi! Put that away! The Mirrors Faulty!"

"What? Faulty?"

"Yeah Faulty! Now put that away! And it's so foggy I don't know for sure, but it can't be Potter. Anyone but that sod."

My Hand relaxed lightly. A rush of relief ran through me, knowing she didn't Like Potter. "Potter." I Muttered. My wand was losly fixed on Lily.

"Yes?" James said. Peeking his head though the door.

It took me a second to understand, but when I looked at him he had his wand drawn on me.

"Drop it!" James Demanded.

I tightened my grip.

"And if I don't?" I taunted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2013 ⏰

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