Turning Straight

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So I guess this is gonna be in a guy's POV so.. But he's gonna be gay so we can nail the the POV!! Woop Woop! But this is our first real story together tell us what u think xP


~From The Gurlz

Tristan POV

I ran up to Ally in the hall and practically screamed, "HE SAID YES!!"

I yelled shaking her shoulders wildly. She just laughed and smiled softly.

"That's amazing!!" she said not as excitedly as me.. I wonder what's wrong with her? Is she sick?

I hugged her tightly and picked her off the ground, "I KNOW RIGHT!!" I put her back down and smiled brightly, "My first official date with a guy!"


"Time for class!" she aid as she brisk fully walked away.

She's been acting so weird nowadays.. What is wrong with her??

"Hey Tristy." I heard Sean say from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, "What?"

He looked at his 'boys' and questioned "We overheard your girly screaming about going on a date with a guy, is this true?"

"Yes," I sighed "its true."

"You know what we do to gays at this school right?" he said grabbing my jacket and pinning me against the lockers.

He nodded to his boys who grabbed my arms and started dragging me towards the janitors closet. I kept kicking and punching trying to get loose and I usually could but their grip was too tight. They threw me in the closet after Kurt had gotten the lock open and slammed the door closed, I tried opening the door but they were holding the handle.

I heard a scraping on the floor and the knob loosened. No! They had put a chair up against the door! Now it would be a awhile before I got out.

I sat on the floor against the wall not wasting my time and energy.. Well might as have a nap.


I was at my friends birthday party and we were close to each other. I was hanging with some other friends of mine in the kitchen when he walked over to me.

"Hey, can I talk to you.. in my room?" he asked nervously.

I raised my eyebrow, "Sure I guess."

We go upstairs and I sit on his bed he said,

"I have something to tell you."

"Isnt that why we came up here?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Heh yea it is." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "Look. This is really important so you need to listen ok?"

"Yea man just tell me already." I respond the smirk still on my face while I lay back on my elbows.

He had this look of.. Idk.. Lust? In his eyes, "I like you." he rushed out.

I didn't know what to say but the next thing I know he was kissing me! I kissed him back and well we started to go a bit far.

His hand slipped up my shirt and eventually it came off along with his. He unbuttoned my pants.

"We needed to go back to the party or people will suspect something. But we will continue this late." I say with a wink as I re-button my pants.


Damn now I guess that's how I became gay but I don't think I want to be it any more, I mean.. Ever since I met Ally guys have been kind of a turn off for me and my attention has been directed at her.. Am I wrong for doing this?

I sighed and hit my head on one of the shelves in the small confined room.


My head lifted up at the sound of the chair moving. The door opened to reveal Ally, very surprisingly.

"What are you doing in here?" she asked smirking.

"That asshole Sean and his boys locked me in here." I replied sourly looking at the ground.

She continued smirking, "Well since it's a Friday, you wanna skip? Math was boring as hell and you're obviously not having the best day ever with spongebob."

I smiled up at her and extended my hand out and she semi helped me up. She managed to get me up half way up before losing her strength and ended up falling on top of me.

She blushed and tried to get up but I held her to me and wiggled my eyebrows, only making her blush deeper.

I just chuckled and got up, "Let's go to Mickey D's bish." I slunk my arm around her shoulder grabbing my backpack while we walked to my car.

~ 1 hour later~

"Hahaha" laughs Ally. Shes been laughing at all of my jokes for practically for half and hour! I guess she's into me but she knows I'm gay. I really don't know what to do. I guess Sean was wrong because as a matter of a fact I am bisexual. But oh no according to him I'm gay! Gosh could he get any dumber?

She's so sweet, and when her eyes twinkle......... Oh my gosh!! I have a boyfriend! Stop stop stop stop stop. But the voice in my head keeps on talking, she so pretty, even with her eyes closed.

Oh and the way her nose scrunched up when she smelled the seafood. She absolutely hates seafood. Oh and the way she lit up when her pancakes came out and when my smoothie came out. We ended up sharing it because we didn't bring enough money for another one!

She just doesn't judge people. She understands when something is wrong. Well that's how she found me in the closet......wait.......what was she going to do in there? Because she went to 'class' when the bell rang. So why did she go to the closet? Whatever, it might of just been getting some stuff for the classroom. Like a broom to sweep something up. But why did she have her school bags with her? And why did she want too ditch? I thought she was the good girl type........


Yo yo yo my lovely toucans! I know this chapter was short but I just wanted you guys to see what it was about...........I hope you guys want moreeeeeee!!! FROM THE POWERPUFFGURLZ!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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