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Name: Otis
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years old
Personality: adventurous, little quirky, little slow, dependent of his humans.
Likes: snow, his humans, his scarf, Christmas Day.
Dislikes: summer, hot weather, being alone/away from his humans.
Story: Otis grew up with a nice human family up in the mountains, every few days he'd beg for his humans to take him out to play in the snow. His humans taught him that when he gets older, he'd need to help people out of the snow. A year after his birth, he became an amateur rescue dog. Sometimes one of his humans would purposely get lost, at least two to four miles away from home so Otis could practice his search snd save drill. After the practice drill Otis's humans would return home, turn on the fire pit and sit in front of the fire with Otis until he fell asleep. Otis loves to wake up early to wake up his humans on Christmas Day
Fun facts:
Otis has bad allergies thus giving him a very runny nose.
Otis severely injured his right hind leg during a practice drill and had to get it amputated.

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