Part 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" you ask nervously, your hand clenching in Chris's as you ride with him, your nerves starting to get the best of you. "I mean, is this really the time?"

"What time would be better?" he asks, sending you an amused glance as he maneuvers through traffic, his fancy car easily slipping around the family ones, the engine purring.

"Uh, next Christmas?"

He chuckles, and gives your hand a squeeze before releasing it to shift gears, slowing the car down as he switches lanes for the exit.


Going home for Christmas?

Where your family was?

You would rather avoid it.

Especially since Chris had it in his head that it would be a good time to announce that you had been dating for three months and kept your families in the dark the entire time.

You could just see their reactions now.


It's all you can do not to shudder.

You hate going home for Christmas.

You could remember hearing the disappointment in your mothers voice when you'd finally worked up the courage to tell her that you and your ex had broken up.

And her expression when she realizes you're suddenly with Chris?

It was going to be priceless.

You sink a little lower in your seat, feeling a sense of gloom settle over you.

You didn't want to go home for Christmas.

You'd moved away from them so you wouldn't have to see them.

"My mom knows I'm dating someone, she's been bugging me about it for months," Chris sighs, glancing at you again.

"Well, that's your own fault for slipping up."

"Don't get huffy, where's your holiday spirit?"

"At home with my pajamas and a glass of wine."

Chris rolls his eyes. "I never tagged you for a Grinch."

"I never pegged you for a supporter," you grunt, and you see him frown out of the corner of his eye as you look out the window.

After a few moments, you feel his hand on your thigh, and you glance over, seeing his eyes were concerned.

"Do you really not want to tell them about our relationship, (Y/N)? We can wait if it bothers you that much."

You hesitate, then slowly let out your breath, shaking your head.

"No, it's not.... It is time to tell them about us dating, I just... I hate going home for Christmas," you sigh, rubbing your face. "It's exhausting pretending to be as happy as the rest of them."

"Well, now you don't have to pretend," he says, and you look at him, smiling slightly.

"Well, I suppose you're right." You squeeze his hand. "It's different now."

But your mother and sisters were going to make you miserable the second you got there, you just knew it.

They knew you and Chris were riding together, and leaving together, they just had no idea how much your relationship had grown.

And Chris had no idea how nosey they were, either.

It was going to be interesting.


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