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I walk into the house and look at the mess. Glass was broken, pillows were thrown everywhere, I looked at the house in confusion and immediately ran to my mother's room. 

"Mum? Where are you?" I yell, I feel so confused and I don't know what to do. I walk into the bathroom and I see my mother kneeling over the toilet seat and coughing. "Mum? What's wrong?" I place my hand on her back and kneel down next to her.

She starts coughing more, "Michael, I don't feel well."

"Oh god, what do I do?" I say, taking my phone out of my pocket. Immediately typing the numbers 999. "I'm calling for help."

I look over the toilet, seeing blood. Oh god, what do I do? The phone picks up, "999 how may I help you?"

"My mum is barfing up blood, please help us. I don't know what to do," I start freaking out, I've never experienced this before. I can't lose my mother, she's the only person I have left. I feel tears falling down my cheeks, trying to wipe them away, but it did nothing but create more tears.

The ambulence came a few minutes later, I carried my mother and brought her outside. I was immediately introduced by god

":0 wow its god? i ca'nt believe it!" michael says popping the p. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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