Little Silver

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"You know what! Lets go shopping" I said, I hate shopping but this will make me able to choose what will Silver wear tonight so that was enough to make me okay.

Bob! 1sec then Bob! 1sec then Bob!

"Stop bobbing your gum!!" I yelled at Silver as she kept doing these annoying voices while playing with her hair. She looked at me from the corner of her eyes not bothered to turn her face, she's pissed off.

1sec later then ... Bob!
"Aaaah!! That's it!" I yelled as I pulled over.
"Want anything from the super market?" I asked opening the door and getting out, she finally turned her face and looked at me then bobbed! Again and looked away.
"No." She said. Even thought I actually gave myself the permission to kill her but I held back, and in some kind of way I liked how she's determined to ignore me. I'm being obsessed with her, every little thing in her amazes me.
I walked towards the supermarket, I thought about buying her chocolate, I think that works, women love chocolate!

I headed to the drinks part, I stared at all the choices in front of me, I don't know what Silver liked the most, so I chose something healthy for her, natural juice. Then I walked to the snacks part as I remembered that she didn't have her breakfast ... so many choices but I finally got her a sandwich, no chips for her. She'll kill me for treating her as a child but I like to do that.

As I was going to choose a chocolate for Silver I glimpsed someone one hugging a similar fragile figure with a long black length just like Silver's, I continued walking but then ... this is Silver!! Was he giving her a kiss too?! I rushed back to them.

"Silver?!" I called her name out, she jumped as she heard my voice.
"Ahh ... ahh Oliver this is Justin ... Justin this is Oliver" Silver introduced us to each other, his features was so familiar but I couldn't figure where I've seen him before. He extended his hand but I didn't respond.

"N-nice to meet you ..." he said he seemed confused because of my the look I gave to him.
"Let's go." I informed Silver to walk.
"Ah ... ah bye." She said looking at Oliver he smiled back at her. She walked a few steps away.
"Next time only wave from a distance" I whispered to him as I walked by him after Silver, I don't know how I looked but my face was defiantly neither pleasing nor friendly.

"Why did you get out of the car?" I said in a strict tone.
"How could you do that in front of him? You embarrassed me and embarrassed him!"
My face suddenly became grim as my arm darted in front of Silver to the wall that was next to her. She gasped more air as I surprised her by what I've done, my other hand pushed her slightly back against the wall.
"Listen, I don't care how he felt. He touched you. You better Thank god that I actually was so friendly in that moment, now next time only wave from a distance" I said as slow as I can to be as clear as possible.
"Understood?" I questioned just to make sure I didn't miss explaining anything. She was shocked. I know that I have to be the smooth type with Silver but no, I'm not that type all the time. She nodded as respond.
"Good" as we headed to the cashier I grabbed a huge bar of chocolate for her. I felt sorry to do what I've done but she should know that from now on, no guys.
I held her hand tightly as a group of guys came in the supermarket, even though they didn't do anything or say anything but they were looking at her, I wish it was a good excuse to beat them.


I opened the car's door for her, she climbed in silently.
"Wear a longer shorts and a bigger size of shirts next time" I whispered to her, why would she show her body for someone else? She's mine.

She started to shake her leg quickly and was looking out of the window. I knew she was nervous, sad, pissed off and kinda scared. I sighed and took a deep breath to talk.
"Look, I don't mean to embarrass you, but you should be careful around guys"
"No, you meant it! I don't like that" she shouted.
We both didn't say a word, a few minutes of silence then she talked again.
"I won't be walking around with baggy jumper and long baggy skirt with some red lines around me and a"Bieber's" sticker on my forehead!"
She shouted again.
"I think this would be better" I said chuckling.
"Can you take me seriously for a moment?!" She shouted she looked so pissed off this time.
"Okay, okay ... I'm sorry okay" I was chuckling but I meant it, I felt guilty for making her so annoyed. She crossed her arms and looked away, a few tears gathered in her eyes ... my heart skipped for a second as I felt that she'll end up crying, I didn't mean that, I swear.

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