Rey kept running. She wasn't ready to be head in th he resistance. She wasn't ready to have Luke's lightsaber.
Running g through bushes and branches she stopped as if she might have heard a branch breaking. She looked around as she heard the swoosh of a lightsaber.
Gun in hand, she prepared to fire can't whatever it was.
She heard another swoosh, then another coming from all directions.
A dark thought crossed her mind.
Has...Has Kylo come for me? She thought.
She quickly brushed the thought away, as it was to overwhelming that she didn't dare to think about it.
She turned only to find her nightmare came true.
Kylo staring right at her, lightsaber in hand.
She began to fire direct shots right at him, but he kept dodging them using either the force or his lightsaber.
Rey ran but Kylo followed, always right behind her.
She thought to have lost him while she stept on to a rock but alas, she was exactly where he wanted her.
Rey flinched as a red jagged light saber shot up right next to her head.
Horrified and desperate for her life, she didn't move, thinking that instant death was to come.
But it didnt.
Kylo walked right in front of her and observed her face, never moving the light saber.
He lifted his hand and read her mind, instantly knowing that she's seen the map.
"You've seen the map"Kylo proclaimed.
Rey said nothing.
"Sir we have had no luck on finding the droid yet," The storm troopers said nervously.
"Shall we keep looking?"
No," Said Kylo while remaining to stare at Rey.
"We have everything we need right here."
Rey panicked as as Kylo unleashed a force so strong, Rey passed out falling right into Kylo's eager arms. He began to carry the unconscious beautiful girl, bridal style back to the ship.