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I halt, looking at the three doors. Billie didn't give me his room number. I don't know where to go. How smart of Billie. Oh, so wise.

I bite my lip, looking at the doors. The rooms are are all quiet right now so I can't here any of their rambunctious loud noises. That's another struggle.

I sighed, maybe I'll just leave. Smoke by myself, wouldn't be the first time I've done it by myself. I'll be alright.

Maybe if I knock on all three doors? I thought.

I'll try it.

I stopped in front of the closest door, I raised my hand, pounding on the door, followed by the next two. I sprinted to the other side of the hall, hiding behind a corner.

I see and elderly woman come out of the first door, looking around. Out of the second door, comes a small kid, peeking out of the door.

The third door, comes a curious looking, green haired goofball. "That's it." I whispered to myself. I wait a couple of minutes until he leaves.

I walk over to their door, softly knocking. The door swings open, now with the bass player opening the door, ''Um, Hello?'' He questions, ''Mike who's at the door?'' I hear Billie scream, approaching the door.

"Oh, Collin!" He smiles, "Guys, this is the girl." He says, opening the door  letting me walk in the room. " The girl with pot?" Tre screams, jumping up from the bed. I nod, pulling out the plastic bag tossing it towards him.

"Billie, I just found my new best friend." He said opening the bag, smelling the contents.

"How about we actually smoke up and not sniff it?" Mike said, snatching the bag from Tre. "I brought pipes." I said, carefully pulling the pipes out, laying them on the counter, I brought two bongs too." I said placing them on the counter.

"I love this girl very much." Tre said pulling a lighter from his pocket, laying it alongside the weed. "Can we smoke up now? Pleaaaseee!" Tre begged. "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you." I laugh.

He immediately grabs a pipe and starts grabbing the weed. He starts arranging it, ready to smoke. He sits in the corner, lighting up. He smiles as he does so. Taking a long breath in.

Mike grabs a pipe, doing the same as Tre, sitting next to him. Smiling. "Are you going to smoke up too?" I say, grabbing a bong, arranging mine. He laughs, grabbing the other bong.

I pull out the lighter from my bag, lighting it up, waiting for the smoke to bubble up, inhaling it.

Billie repeats my actions, sitting down next to me. I sit indian style. A goofy smile spread across thief faces and that's all I looked at before focusing on the herb in front of me.


The boys raided the fridge, I guess the "munchies" had kicked in. Tre snatched the bag of chips from Mike hurriedly returning to his spot, shoving the chips and sandwich in his mouth.

Billie grabs some leftovers and shoves it in his mouth. Mike grabs some chips from Tre, stuffing them in his mouth crazily, I'm surprised he didn't choke.

I search in my bag searching for some snacks, under the empty water bottles from when we had stopped at a gas station.

My craving for foods grow stronger as I grow even more frustrated.

I search in the front of the bag, finding crackers and a left over doughnuts.

I crazily open the crackers, putting one in my mouth. Letting it melt.

"Oh god. I smoked all of that weed. It was great." Tre drowsily smiled.

"Same here." Billie slurred, chewing his food, chugging the beer bottle next to him.

"I like you, spunky." Mike smiled.

"Spunky?" I laughed, biting by ritz cracker.

"Well yeah, I mean, your hair." He laughed, before sipping on his beer.

"What about my hair?" I frowned, pulling it in a ponytail.

"No, no! Not like that! It's cool! I like it, it's spunky."
He smiled.

"She seems more like a groovester to me." Tre laughed.

"Oh, thanks." I smiled .

He simply nodded before chugging the rest of his beer.

I finished my snacks, throwing the wrappers in my bag. I look over at Tre who is struggling to stand up. He got so high, he can't stand up.

"Thanks for weed." Billie laughed, sauntering back into the living room.

"Y'welcome. It would have taken me weeks to finish it." I laughed, throwing my head back.

"Would have taken me an hour, ha!" Tre said clutching onto the whiskey bottle.

"More like twenty minutes." Mike interjects. "This dude smokes more pot than Cheech and Chong!" He laughs.

"Gotta give it to ya there, Mikey." Tre goofily smiles, playing with his bleached clean hair.

i have no idea how the weed smoking process is.


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