Chapter 1

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Be warned, Kiaba is really stubborn and Joey has an odd accent!

Kiaba frowned. He'd lost again. "Good game Kiaba!" Said Yugi, smiling and holding out his hand expecting a shake. Yugi was always happy, nothing seemed to make him upset. Kiaba felt Yugi's happiness was mocking him, he didn't like to see his enemies smile, only his allies. He just stared at Yugi's hand a huffed. "Play me again." Said Kiaba, in a gruff tone.
"Koiba, just cos ya can't face win doesn't mean Yug's gotta keep playin'."
"Who asked you Mutt, stop barking for attention."
Joey snarled. "Come on Yug' you don't hav' to duel dis joik!"
"Yeah." Said Yugi, looking at his watch "I best be going....."
Kiaba grabbed his jacket. "Stay, for one last duel."
Yugi's face went red.
"Let go of Yug' you pervert!" Shouted Joey as Kiaba obediently let go. "That's right you mutt , listen to your commands!" Laughed Joey.
"If he wants to duel that bad, I'll stay." Said Yugi.
"Well sorry Yug' I gotta go." Said Joey, leaving. "see ya tomorrow!"


"Okay," said Kiaba. "If you win, want do you want?"
"I don't mind...." Said Yugi.
"You've got to want something...." Said Kiaba.
"Well," said Yugi. "What I'd really like is a Blue Eyes... But I wouldn't  want to take that away from you!"
"Okay if you win you get a Blue Eyes."
"What about if you win?"
" I get a kiss." Said Kiaba, smirking.
Yugi's face went scarlet. "What?" Said Yugi.
"You heard me." Said Kiaba "I get a kiss."
"Okay then....." Said Yugi. "It's time to duel!"


Yugi lost. Kiaba saying he wanted a kiss REALLY threw him off his game, did Kiaba love him? No, thought Yugi Kiaba just wanted to throw me off my game..... What if he did like me.... That would be awesome!
Yugi had had a crush on Kiaba a long time now... Well ever since Téa rejected him for Yami ... He though Kiaba was handsome and mysterious, and soon developed a crush on him.... What if Kiaba loves me back? What if-
"I won Yugi." Said Kiaba with a smirk. "Gimme a kiss then."
Yugi couldn't tell if Kiaba was mocking him or being serious, so he went on his tip toes and, with a scarlet face, softly kissed Kiaba.
To Yugi's utter amazement Kiaba kissed him back, it was a soft kiss, but a nice one.
When they broke apart Kiaba acted like nothing had happened.
"See you at school.." His said in his usual gruff tone, but it seemed more kind.
Yugi walked home, he couldn't stop thinking about Kiaba and the duel. Why did Kiaba kiss me back? Thought Yugi. Does this mean he loves me!?

Thanks for reading! I've done 479 words! I might continue soon, I don't know, I'm kinda busy with school stuff... Hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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