Hell on Earth

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 Chapter One            

“Hurry the fuck up dimwit”  “I’m trying! It’s not easy!”

The noise was loud enough to attract more zombies to our area, I turned around and there was Tina waiting for Kelly to catch up with the rest of us. I could see the annoyance in her face, anymore of this she would kill Kelly off in a heartbeat. “Give me the fucking gun!” Tina snatched the gun from her and pushed her forward towards me, gesturing me to take her to the van. “I swear I got to do everything”

A few shots went off before we made it there, when I looked back Tina was covered in blood and running toward the van. She closed the door and we were on our way back to the safe house.

Tina looked over at Kelly who was shaking terribly from what just happened, she glared at her for a few seconds till she finally opened her mouth.  “Do you want to live or not?” Kelly looked up confused  “Me?” “YES YOU! Who else, you’re the only one holding us back” “I don’t mean to ok, it’s just a lot to take in right now. I still don’t get it.” “Ha, what’s not to get, there’s a virus going around turning everyone into a brain eating freaks.” “I know, I just though…something like this…It wouldn’t ever happen” “Well it did, and now you’re going to have to deal with it.”  “It’s just scary ok, I’m scared…”

Tina sighed and looked over at me then back at Kelly. I know it’s hard on her but, it’s the truth, and she’s going to have to live with it. All of us have had our parents attacked and turned into one of those things, we can’t afford to ourselves.  “In this world now, it’s either kill or be killed. If you want to die just tell me I’ll be glad to answer your prayers” Kelly’s eyes started to well up with tears, I pulled her close to me and rubbed her shoulder.

“Guys you can’t just expect her to know how to do this so easily, she never even picked up a gun before”

I could hear Mitch and Earnisha chuckle in the front, I wanted to pistol whip both of them because it wasn’t funny.  “So what? We didn’t either, and we’re not fucking shit up like bosses”   Mitch waved his hand telling us to get out the van.

The past few months have been hectic, we were all living our lives normally when some weird virus started going around causing people to turn into, well zombies. I never thought anything would happen like this myself but when it did, it hit me hard. I saw my own parents turn into these creatures, it wasn’t pretty since I had to kill them with my own hands. For me, it’s better to not dwell in the past, it’ll only slow me down. The fact on how we all know each other, we’re all friends. I’ve know most of them from middle school, the oldest of our group is Mitch, he’s eighteen; the rest of us are pretty much fifteen or a bit younger. “Tinesha I need help with the gate here”

I looked over my shoulder and Mitch was standing by the entrance gate, waving at me to come over. I rolled my eyes and sighed at him. “What the hell man! You can do it yourself. I’m damn near five feet while you’re a whopping six foot two” He laughed and started pushing the gate open “I’ll drive the van in”

Tina hopped in the driver seat and drove the van into the safe house. She and Mitch were pretty much the only ones who knew enough to actually drive and since it was too time consuming and dangerous to teach the rest of us to drive we were pretty much clueless.

Everyone followed on foot into the safe house, I looked over at Kelly. She was still shaking from before and her eyes were filled tears, I felt sorry for her cause throughout this whole thing she always seemed useless. At times Mitch would have to carry her cause her sickle cell would act up and her feet would be too swollen to walk. And since the hospitals are pretty much scarce in these times there’s not much we can do for her.

Tina dropped her body onto the couch and put her gun on the floor. Mitch carried in supplies we found from our trip and everyone else helped bring in the rest. Kelly sat on the floor twiddling her thumbs. “Kelly it’ll be fine, it’s not your fault, but either way you got to be strong” She nodded and smiled weakly.

“How about you start by making yourself useful and practice using this” Tina tossed a pistol at her and rolled over in the couch “It good you learn to use it, so you know, you won’t get killed and turn into those things” I narrowed my eyebrows  “Oh come on Tina cut her some slack, she has sickle cell. Her body is as weak as it is”  “Then just throw her out there to the zombies, I’m only trying to better her chances in living” I rolled my eyes  “It true you know”  Mitch place down a box small box of medication next to the couch and looked over at me

“I mean, if she’s weak already she better do what she can to make herself stronger. I can’t carry her around forever you know”  Earnisha chimed in “Same here, teach her how to use the dang thing, it ain’t that hard”  I looked down at Kelly who was still staring at the gun with tears in her eyes.  “Unless she feels she can do, then fine”  Tina rose up from the couch and glared at me  “She’s got no choice, it’s not whether she wants to or not. Unless she like the idea of dying.”

I looked at everyone and they all had faces that read the same words. There really wasn’t a choice, she had to learn to do something, or else one of us would die because of her. I looked back down at Kelly and sighed  “I’ll teach her tomorrow morning”  “UH NO! You’re supposed to go with me to get more supplies” “Take Asia with you, she’s pretty good”  “NO! I CAN’T TAKE HER SH-“ Mitch patted Tina’s head  “Keep it down, even though this place is pretty guarded I don’t need creepers at our gate.”

Tina pouted and crossed her arms.  “You have to come with me, you’re my left hand” “I’ll teach her”  Earnisha put a box down on the floor and looked over at Kelly and smiled.  “I’m pretty good at it, so might as well. Plus Tina needs you more than me”  I scratched the back of my head and nodded  “Alright, well it’s getting late and we need to rest up”

Tianna smirked lightly and grabbed onto Angel. I swear she and that boy were attached by the hip, there is nothing wrong with liking him but at a time like this you can’t always focus your life on a guy. It was always Angel this Angel that.  “Tinesha you can sleep first, I’m going keep watch of the gate for any slick fucks trying to rob us.” “But, you’ve been at it all day. Shouldn’t you sleep first?” Tina smiled  “No I’m good, I’ll wake you up when it’s your turn” “Alright, good night” “Night”

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